============================= Arch Linux keyboard shortcuts ============================= First published at 6/22/2018 on https://defkey.com/arch-linux-shortcuts Arch Linux is a Linux distribution that follows KISS principle ("keep it simple, stupid"). The distribution focuses on elegance, minimalism, simplicity and code correctness. Arch Linux has 44 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Kernel ------ These shortcuts are used to recover or debug an unresponsive system.  To use these, they must first be activated with either sysctl kernel.sysrq=1 or echo "1" > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq. If you wish to have it enabled during boot, edit /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf and insert the text kernel.sysrq = 1 Alt + Sys Rq + R Take control of keyboard back from X Alt + Sys Rq + E Send SIGTERM to all processes, allowing them to terminate gracefully Alt + Sys Rq + I Send SIGKILL to all process, forcing them to terminate immediately Alt + Sys Rq + S Sync - Flush data to disk Alt + Sys Rq + U Unmount - Unmound and remount all file systems read-only Alt + Sys Rq + B Reboot Notes ----- On Lenovo laptops SysRq is often configured as Fn+S. To use it press and hold Alt then press Fn+s, release Fn and s still holding Alt followed by the keys above. You may need to press Ctrl along with Alt. So for example, full key shortcut would be Ctrl+Alt+SysRq+b Terminal: Virtual console ------------------------- Ctrl + Alt + Del Reboots Computer (specified by the symlink /usr/lib/systemd/system/ctrl-alt-del.target) Alt + F1 (F2, F3, …) Switch to n-th virtual console Alt + Left arrow Switch to previous virtual console Alt + Right arrow Switch to next virtual console Scroll Lock When Scroll Lock is activated, input/output is locked Shift + Page Up Scroll console buffer up Shift + Page Down Scroll console buffer down Ctrl + C Kills current task Ctrl + D Inserts an EOF Ctrl + Z Pauses current task Terminal: Readline ------------------ Ctrl + L Clear the screen Ctrl + B Move cursor one character to the left Ctrl + F Move cursor one character to the right Alt + B Move cursor one word to the left Alt + F Move cursor one word to the right Ctrl + A Move cursor to start of the line Ctrl + E Move cursor to end of the line Ctrl + U Cut everything from line start to cursor Ctrl + K Cut everything from the cursor to end of the line Alt + D Cut the current word after the cursor Ctrl + W Cut the current word before the cursor Ctrl + Y Paste the previous cut text Alt + Y Paste the second latest cut text Alt + Ctrl + Y Paste the first argument of the previous command Alt + ./_ Paste the last argument of the previous command Ctrl + P Move to the previous line Ctrl + N Move to the next line Ctrl + S Search Ctrl + R Reverse search Ctrl + J End search Ctrl + G Abort search (restores original line) Alt + R Restore all changes made to line Tab Auto-complete a name Alt + ? List all possible completions Alt + * Insert all possible completions X11 & Wayland ------------- Ctrl + Alt + F1 (F2, F3, …) Switch to n-th virtual console. If it doesn't work, try  Ctrl + Fn + Alt + F Shift + Insert Paste text from the PRIMARY buffer Right click Paste text from the PRIMARY buffer     Note: By default, Qt maps Shift+Insert to CLIPBOARD instead of the PRIMARY buffer and Ctrl+Shift+Insert is mapped to the PRIMARY buffer.     Source: ArchWiki Last modified on (UTC): Thursday, March 4, 2021 Defkey © All rights reserved.