=============================== Atom (macOS) keyboard shortcuts =============================== First published at 6/8/2021 on https://defkey.com/atom-macos-shortcuts Atom is a free and open-source code editor with embedded Git Control and plug-in support. It is a desktop application built using web technologies. Atom is available on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Atom (macOS) has 58 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. General ------- Cmd + , Open the Preferences/Settings view Shift + Cmd + P Open & close the command palette Cmd + P Opens the Fuzzy Finder palette in which you can search and open files Cmd + T Opens the Fuzzy Finder palette in which you can search and open files Cmd + B Browse open files Option + Cmd + Left arrow Cycle left through open tabs (in the active pane) Option + Cmd + Right arrow Cycle right through open tabs (in the active pane) Control + Shift + L Select the file language Control + Shift + M Markdown preview Cmd + . Key binding resolver Cmd + K then Cmd + B Toggle Atom's file Tree View Cmd + \ Toggle Atom's file Tree View Control + Option + L Reload the Editor Control + Shift + O Open a HTTP or HTTPS link Option + Cmd + I Open the Chrome Developer Tools/Console Option + Shift + S Show the snippets available to Atom Window management ----------------- Cmd + N New file Shift + Cmd + N New window Cmd + O Open Cmd + Shift + O Open folder Cmd + S Save Shift + Cmd + S Save as Option + Cmd + S Save all Cmd + W Close tab Shift + Cmd + W Close window Cmd + K then Arrow keys Split window Cmd + K then Cmd + Arrow keys Focus pane Control + Cmd + F Toggle full screen Editing ------- Shift + Cmd + D Duplicate lines Control + Shift + K Delete line Control + Cmd + Up arrow Move line up Control + Cmd + Down arrow Move line down Cmd + F Find / Replace Cmd + G Find next Shift + Cmd + G Find previous Shift + Cmd + F Find in project Control + G Go to line Control + M Go to matching bracket Cmd + L Select line Cmd + / Toggle comment Control + Shift + Up arrow / Down arrow Column selection Cmd + D Select same words Cmd + U Undo selection Cmd + Control + G Select all the same words at once Cmd + R Show symbols palette Control + Space Show auto-completions Option + Cmd + [ Fold/Unfold sections of code Option + Cmd + ] Fold/Unfold sections of code Cmd + K then Cmd + [0 - 9] Fold/Unfold at a specific indentation level Find and replace ---------------- Cmd + F Find in current file Cmd + Shift + F Find in project F3 Find next Shift + F3 Find previous Cmd + Enter Replace all Cmd + Option + / Use Regex in search Cmd + Option + C Match case in search Cmd + Option + S Search only in selection Cmd + Option + W Match whole word Last modified on (UTC): Tuesday, June 8, 2021 Defkey © All rights reserved.