============================== Eagle 9.5.2 keyboard shortcuts ============================== First published at 1/10/2020 on https://defkey.com/autodesk-eagle-shortcuts Eagle is a printed circuit board (PCB) design and schematic software for engineers. Eagle 9.5.2 has 29 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Modifier keys ------------- Alt Pressing Alt key switches to an alternate GRID Ctrl + Right click Toggle between corresponding wire bend styles Cmd + Right click (macOS only) Toggle between corresponding wire bend styles Note: This only applies to commands that support wire bend styles, like, for instance, LINE. Shift + Right click Reverse the direction in which the wire bend styles are switched through Esc (when a command is active) Cancel current activity of current comamnd without cancelling entire command Left click Generally used to select, draw or place objects Middle click Change the current layer or mirror the object currently attached to the mouse cursor Right click Select a group, rotate objects attached to the mouse cursor, change wire bend styles... Wheel up and wheel down (in editor) Zoom in / out ADD command ----------- Shift + Right arrow Reverse the direction of rotating ASSIGN command -------------- The ASSIGN command can be used to define the meaning of the function keys F1 thru F12, the letter keys A thru Z, the (upper) digit keys 0 thru 9 and the backspace key (each also in combination with modifier keys. Alt + F2 Fit window F3 Zoom in by a factor of 2 F4 Zoom out by a factor of 2 F5 Cursor position is new center F6 Grid on / off GRID command ------------ F6 Turn the grid on / off ROUTE, ROUTEDIFF, ROUTEMULTI commandS ------------------------------------- Enter Commit current cursor position and auto-complete route to airwire anchor object Space Cycle to next routing layer Shift + Space Cycle to the previous routing layer (and initiates via placement) Backspace Remove the effect of the most recent left mouse commit Ctrl + Space Cycle the start layer forward when starting from a multi-layer object Ctrl + Shift + Space Cycle the start layer in reverse when starting from a multi-layer object UNGROUP command --------------- Ctrl + Shift + G Ungroup selected groups Cmd + Shift + G (macOS only) Ungroup selected groups WINDOW command -------------- Alt + F2 Fit window F3 Zoom in by a factor of 2 F4 Zoom out by a factor of 2 F5 Cursor position is new center Last modified on (UTC): Friday, January 10, 2020 Defkey © All rights reserved.