========================================= Awesome Window Manager keyboard shortcuts ========================================= First published at 9/22/2018 on https://defkey.com/awesome-window-manager-shortcuts Awesome is a dynamic window manager for X Windows System. It is quite fast and customizable. One of Awesome's highlight feature is that software makes it possible to manage windows with keyboard. Awesome Window Manager has 38 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Window manager control ---------------------- Mod4 + Ctrl + R Restart Awesome Mod4 + Shift + Q Quit Awesome Mod4 + R Run prompt Mod4 + X Run Lua code prompt Mod4 + Enter Spawn terminal emulator Mod4 + W Open main menu Clients ------- Mod4 + Shift + R Redraw the focused window Mod4 + M Maximize client Mod4 + N Minimize client Mod4 + F Set client fullscreen Mod4 + Shift + C Kill focused client Mod4 + T Mark a client Navigation ---------- Mod4 + J Focus next client Mod4 + K Focus previous client Mod4 + U Focus first urgent client Mod4 + Left arrow View previous tag Mod4 + Right arrow View next tag Mod4 + [1 - 9] Switch to tag 1-9 Mod4 + Ctrl + J Focus next screen Mod4 + Ctrl + K Focus previous screen Mod4 + Esc Focus previously selected tag set Layout modification ------------------- Mod4 + Shift + J Switch client with next client Mod4 + Shift + K Switch client with previous client Mod4 + O Send client to next screen Mod4 + H Decrease master width factor by 5% Mod4 + L Increase master width factor by 5% Mod4 + Shift + H Increase number of master windows by 1 Mod4 + Shift + L Decrease number of master windows by 1 Mod4 + Ctrl + H Increase number of columns for non-master windows by 1 Mod4 + Ctrl + L Decrease number of columns for non-master windows by 1 Mod4 + Space Switch to next layout Mod4 + Shift + Space Switch to previous layout Mod4 + Ctrl + Space Toggle client floating status Mod4 + Ctrl + Enter Swap focused client with master Mod4 + Ctrl + [1 - 9] Toggle tag view Mod4 + Shift + [1 - 9] Tag client with tag Mod4 + Shift + Ctrl + [1 - 9] Toggle tag on client Mod4 + Shift + F1 ...to F9: Tag marked clients with tag. Last modified on (UTC): Thursday, December 26, 2019 Defkey © All rights reserved.