==================================== CherryTree 0.38.8 keyboard shortcuts ==================================== First published at 6/14/2019 on https://defkey.com/cherrytree-shortcuts CherryTree is hierarchical note taking software featuring rich text, full screen editing, advanced search and syntax highlighting. The program can be used for various purposes from novel writing to creating to-do lists. CherryTree 0.38.8 has 75 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. General ------- Ctrl + O Open a New Cherrytree Document Ctrl + S Save File Ctrl + Shift + S Save File As Ctrl + Shift + P Set up the Page for Printing Ctrl + P Print F5 Execute Code Ctrl + Q Quit Application Ctrl + Shift + Q Exit from Cherrytree Ctrl + Alt + P Preferences F1 Application’s Online Manual Ctrl + N Add a Node having the Same Parent of the Selected Node Ctrl + Shift + N Add a Child Node to the Selected Node Ctrl + Shift + D Duplicate the Selected Node F8 Insert a Node with Hierarchy Year/Month/Day F2 Edit the Properties of the Selected Node Ctrl + Alt + R Toggle the Read Only Property of the Selected Node Ctrl + Shift + B Add the Current to the Bookmarks List Ctrl + Alt + B Remove the Current Node from the Bookmarks List Ctrl + Z Undo Last Operation Ctrl + Y Redo Previously Discarded Operation Ctrl + Alt + I Insert an Image Ctrl + Alt + T Insert a Table Ctrl + Alt + C Insert a CodeBox Ctrl + Alt + E Insert a File Ctrl + L Insert a Link/Edit the Underlying Link Ctrl + Alt + A Insert an Anchor Ctrl + Alt + M Insert Timestamp Ctrl + R Insert Horizontal Rule Ctrl + W Lower the Case of the Selection/ the Underlying Word Ctrl + Shift + W Upper the Case of the Selection/ the Underlying Word Ctrl + G Toggle the Case of the Selection/ the Underlying Word Ctrl + Alt + S Toggle Enable/Disable Spell Check Ctrl + Shift + X Cut as Plain Text, Discard the Rich Text Formatting Ctrl + Shift + C Copy as Plain Text, Discard the Rich Text Formatting Ctrl + Shift + V Paste as Plain Text, Discard the Rich Text Formatting Shift + Alt + X Cut the Current Row/Selected Rows Shift + Alt + C Copy the Current Row/Selected Rows Ctrl + K Delete the Current Row/Selected Rows Ctrl + D Duplicate the Current Row/Selected Rows Alt + Up arrow Move Up the Current Row/Selected Rows Alt + Down arrow Move Down the Current Row/Selected Rows Shift + Alt + F Change the Color of the Selected Text Foreground Shift + Alt + B Change the Color of the Selected Text Background Ctrl + B Toggle Bold Property of the Selected Text Ctrl + I Toggle Italic Property of the Selected Text Ctrl + U Toggle Underline Property of the Selected Text Ctrl + E Toggle Strikethrough Property of the Selected Text Ctrl + 1 Toggle h1 Property of the Selected Text Ctrl + 2 Toggle h2 Property of the Selected Text Ctrl + 3 Toggle h3 Property of the Selected Text Ctrl + 0 Toggle Small Property of the Selected Text Ctrl + M Toggle Superscript Property of the Selected Text Ctrl + Space Toggle To-Do List Item State Ctrl + Alt + 1 Set/Unset the Current Paragraph/Selection as a Bulleted List Ctrl + Alt + 2 Set/Unset the Current Paragraph/Selection as a Numbered List Ctrl + Alt + 3 Set/Unset the Current Paragraph/Selection as a To-Do List F7 Memory of Latest Text Format Type Ctrl + Shift + R Remove the Formatting from the Selected Text Ctrl + F Find into the Selected Node Content Ctrl + Shift + F Find into All the Tree Nodes Contents Ctrl + Alt + F Find into the Selected Node and Subnodes Contents Ctrl + T Find in Nodes names and Tags F3 Iterate the Last Find Operation F4 Iterate the Last Find Operation in Opposite Direction Ctrl + H Replace into the Selected Node Content Ctrl + Shift + H Replace into All Tree Nodes Contents Ctrl + Alt + H Replace into the Selected Node and Subnodes Contents Ctrl + Shift + T Replace in Nodes Names F6 Iterate the Last Replace Option Ctrl + Shift + A Show Search All Matches Dialog F9 Toggle Show/Hide Tree Ctrl + Tab Toggle Focus Between Tree and Text Ctrl + Shift + E Expand All the Tree Nodes Ctrl + Shift + L Collapse All the Tree Nodes F11 Toggle Full Screen On/Off Source Last modified on (UTC): Monday, November 11, 2019 Defkey © All rights reserved.