================================== CintaNotes 3.13 keyboard shortcuts ================================== First published at 6/13/2019 on https://defkey.com/cintanotes-shortcuts CintaNotes is a note-taking program for Windows. It supports clipping text from any application via a shortcut key. The freemium program has a tagging and a search feature that allows to search based on tags, text, links, and date. CintaNotes 3.13 has 136 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. System-wide ----------- Ctrl + F12 Capture selected text from active application as a new note. Title of the source application window is used as note’s title. This hot key is configurable. Ctrl + Alt + F12 Activate CintaNotes window. This hot key is configurable. Ctrl + Shift + F12 Create a new note and opens the editor window with it. This hot key is configurable. Main Window ----------- Insert Create a new note. Ctrl + N Create a new note. F1 Display help. Esc If a tag or text search filter is set, clear current filter to display all notes; otherwise minimize CintaNotes. Ctrl + Tab Switch view to next section. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Switch view to previous section. Ctrl + Left arrow / Right arrow (only when sectionbar.keys.ctrlleftright.enabled = 1) Switch view to next/previous section. Ctrl + [0 - 9] Switch view to section #1..#10. Ctrl + Shift + [0 - 9] Add or remove section #1..#10 to/from selection. Ctrl + Shift + Space Add all unselected sections to the current selection on the Section bar. If all sections are already selected, reset selection back to one section (the one that had been single-selected last). Ctrl + I Toggle current notebook section’s “inbox” status: an inbox section collects all clipped notes. Ctrl + Shift + Insert Create new notebook section. Ctrl + Shift + Del Delete currently selected notebook sections. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left arrow / Right arrow Move currently selected section to the left or to the right. Alt + Shift + D Sort notes list by Creation Time Alt + Shift + M Sort notes list by Modification Time Alt + Shift + T Sort notes list by Title Alt + Shift + S Sort notes list by note size Alt + Shift + U Use manual sort order Ctrl + U Display untagged notes. Esc By default: if text search filter is active, clear text search box. Otherwise, if tags filter is active, clear tags filter. Otherwise, if Options/Window/Minimize on ESC is checked, minimize window. (Please note that this behavior can be tweaked using the following cintanotes.settings parameters: filters.reset.onescape.enabled, filters.reset.onescape.multistep, app.mainframe.minimizeonescape.immediate. Shift + Esc Minimize window (keeping text and tag filters). F12 Start/cancel Simplenote synchronization process. Notes List ---------- Up arrow / Down arrow Move cursor, selecting the note under cursor. Page Up / Down Move cursor, selecting the note under cursor. Home Move cursor, selecting the note under cursor. End Move cursor, selecting the note under cursor. Left arrow / Right arrow Scroll focused note’s text inline. With Ctrl scrolls by page, without Ctrl scrolls by line. Shift + Left arrow / Right arrow Scroll focused note’s text inline. With Ctrl scrolls by page, without Ctrl scrolls by line. Ctrl + Up arrow / Down arrow Move cursor without affecting selection. Ctrl + Page Up Move cursor without affecting selection. Ctrl + Page Down Move cursor without affecting selection. Ctrl + Home Move cursor without affecting selection. Ctrl + End Move cursor without affecting selection. Shift + Up arrow / Down arrow Move cursor extending selection. Shift + Page Up Move cursor extending selection. Shift + Page Down Move cursor extending selection. Shift + Home Move cursor extending selection. Shift + End Move cursor extending selection. Shift + Left click Move cursor extending selection. Ctrl + Space Toggle selection on current note. Ctrl + Left click Toggle selection on current note. Ctrl + A Select all notes which currently appear in the list. [A - Z] Start substring search using current search filter settings. Ctrl + F Move focus to the search box. Enter Open a window for editing the current note. F2 Open a window for editing the current note. Double click Open a window for editing the current note. Shift + Enter Open a window for editing the current note and hides the main window. Alt + Enter Open the note properties window of the currently focused note. Del Delete selected notes. Ctrl + X Cut the selected notes into clipboard. Ctrl + C Copy the selected notes’ text into clipboard. Ctrl + Shift + C Copy selected notes into clipboard as text. Notes are copied in a format which includes note’s creation time, title, text, and link. Alt + Shift + C Copy links to selected notes into clipboard. Ctrl + V Paste clipboard contents as a new note. If the clipboard contents did not originate from CintaNotes, the creation time will be taken from the current time, and a copy of the first text line as will be used as the note title. Ctrl + M Merge two or more selected notes together. Text of the second and subsequent notes is appended to the text of the first (earliest) selected note, then the appended notes are removed since they are no longer necessary. Only enabled when two or more notes are selected. F3 If text search is active, focus next search highlight in current note’s preview. Shift + F3 If text search is active, focus previous search highlight in current note’s preview. F7 If currently focused note has a link, open this link using the default web browser. Alt + Left click If currently focused note has a link, open this link using the default web browser. Alt + Up arrow / Down arrow Move selected notes up and down. Alt + Home Move selected notes up and down. Alt + End Move selected notes up and down. Backspace Go back in filter history. Alt + Left arrow Go back in filter history. Shift + Backspace Go forward in filter history. Alt + Right arrow Go forward in filter history. Ctrl + Shift + Backspace View filter history. Ctrl + Backspace Display similarly tagged notes. This command changes the tag selection on the Tag Sidebar to match the tags of the currently focused note. Ctrl + Enter Paste selected notes’ text into previously active application. (Only with PRO License) Middle click Paste selected notes’ text into previously active application. (Only with PRO License) Ctrl + Shift + Enter Paste selected notes’ Title, Text, and Link into previously active application. (Only with PRO License) Space Focus next note. Space + Arrow keys Make all navigation keys apply to note’s previewed text instead of the note list. E.g. holding spacebar and pressing the Down key will scroll the text by one line. Space + Page Up / Down Make all navigation keys apply to note’s previewed text instead of the note list. E.g. holding spacebar and pressing the Down key will scroll the text by one line. Space + Home Make all navigation keys apply to note’s previewed text instead of the note list. E.g. holding spacebar and pressing the Down key will scroll the text by one line. Space + End Make all navigation keys apply to note’s previewed text instead of the note list. E.g. holding spacebar and pressing the Down key will scroll the text by one line. Left click + Wheel up and wheel down Scroll note’s text inline. Space + Wheel up and wheel down Scroll note’s text inline. Search Box ---------- Down arrow Move focus to the notes list. Ctrl + Up arrow / Down arrow Navigate search mode menu without opening it. Ctrl + Page Up / Down Navigate search mode menu without opening it. Alt + Down arrow Open the search mode menu. Ctrl + Home Focus the notes list and moves cursor to start/end. Ctrl + End Focus the notes list and moves cursor to start/end. Enter Search for tags with the active search term and, if found, extract and select these tags on the Tag Sidebar. The modifier key, if present, determines which operation should be applied to the already existing tag selection: Ctrl=Intersect(AND), Alt=Negate(NOT), Shift=Union(OR). If the search term is empty, “Untagged” is assumed. Ctrl + Enter Search for tags with the active search term and, if found, extract and select these tags on the Tag Sidebar. The modifier key, if present, determines which operation should be applied to the already existing tag selection: Ctrl=Intersect(AND), Alt=Negate(NOT), Shift=Union(OR). If the search term is empty, “Untagged” is assumed. Alt + Enter Search for tags with the active search term and, if found, extract and select these tags on the Tag Sidebar. The modifier key, if present, determines which operation should be applied to the already existing tag selection: Ctrl=Intersect(AND), Alt=Negate(NOT), Shift=Union(OR). If the search term is empty, “Untagged” is assumed. Shift + Enter Search for tags with the active search term and, if found, extract and select these tags on the Tag Sidebar. The modifier key, if present, determines which operation should be applied to the already existing tag selection: Ctrl=Intersect(AND), Alt=Negate(NOT), Shift=Union(OR). If the search term is empty, “Untagged” is assumed. Note Editor ----------- Ctrl + Down arrow Move focus to the Tags field. Alt + Home Move focus to the Text field and put caret to the very beginning of the text. Alt + End Move focus to the Text field and put caret to the very end of the text. F3 Find and select next instance of the currently selected text (if present). Shift + F3 Find and select previous instance of the currently selected text (if present). F7 If currently edited note has a link, open this link using the default web browser. Ctrl + Enter Save the note and close the editor window. Ctrl + Del Move edited note to Recycle Bin and close the editor window. Alt + Enter Open the note properties window of the edited note. Ctrl + S Save the note without closing the editor window. Ctrl + Shift + S Save the note without updating its modified time. Alt + C Close the editor window without saving the note (equals pressing Cancel button). Ctrl + B Toggle various formatting on currently selected text. Ctrl + I Toggle various formatting on currently selected text. Ctrl + U Toggle various formatting on currently selected text. Ctrl + K Toggle various formatting on currently selected text. Ctrl + H Toggle various formatting on currently selected text. Ctrl + M Toggle various formatting on currently selected text. Ctrl + L Cycle selection between no list, bulleted list and numbered list styles. Ctrl + D Clear currently selected text of any formatting. Alt + Shift + N Add a note link to currently selected text. If selection is empty adds title of linked note. Alt + Shift + F Add a link to a file on a disk. Alt + Shift + U Add a link to a URL. Alt + Shift + D Delete note links from currently selected text. Alt + Shift + V Paste note links from the clipboard. Ctrl + Z Undo last typing actions Ctrl + Y Redo last typing actions. F5 (when focus is in the Title, Text or Remarks field) Inserts current time stamp in the format defined in the system Control Panel. Shift + Enter Add a line break to the current list item. Ctrl + Tab Insert a TAB character. If the caret is at the paragraph’s start, or selection spans more than one paragraph, indents selected paragraphs. Shift + Ctrl + Tab Outdent selected paragraphs. Alt + Shift + Left arrow Align current paragraph (or selected paragraphs, if selection is not empty) left. Alt + Shift + Down arrow Align current paragraph (or selected paragraphs, if selection is not empty) center. Alt + Shift + Right arrow Align current paragraph (or selected paragraphs, if selection is not empty) right. Ctrl + Space Display the list of all existing tags minus the tags which are already entered in the textbox. Tag Sidebar ----------- Middle click Quickly add/remove a tag to/from selected notes. Ctrl + Left click Intersect a tag with currently selected tags (tag AND operation). Shift + Left click Add an alternative to currently selected tags (tag OR operation). Alt + Left click Cross-out a tag and thus exclude notes with this tag from view (tag NOT operation). Ctrl + Alt + Left click Cross out all tags except the clicked one (to display notes having this tag only and no other tags) Shift + Alt + Left click Cross out all children of a parent tag to display notes having this parent tag but not having any of the child tags (see the Tag Hierarchy section for more details about parent and child tags) Ctrl + R Toggle the “Only Related” tag filter mode. Double click (on Up/Down scroll buttons) Quickly scroll to start/end of the tag list.     Source Last modified on (UTC): Monday, November 11, 2019 Defkey © All rights reserved.