=========================== CodeRush keyboard shortcuts =========================== First published at 3/31/2023 on https://defkey.com/coderush-visual-studio-shortcuts CodeRush is a refactoring and productivity plugin developed by DevExpress. It extends native functionality of Microsoft Visual Studio with solution-wide static code analysis, and more. CodeRush has 96 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Clipboard --------- Ctrl + C Smart copy Ctrl + Insert Smart copy Ctrl + X Smart cut Shift + Detele Smart cut Ctrl + V Paste image Shift + Insert Paste image Navigation ---------- Tab Tab to next reference Shift + Tab Tab to previous reference Ctrl + Shift + Q Jump to symbol Num Enter Jump to symbol Ctrl + Alt + F Jump to file Ctrl + Shift + E Jump to everything Ctrl + Alt + N Jump menu numDel Jump menu Shift + F12 Find all references Alt + Home Drop marker Esc Collect marker Alt + End Collect marker Alt + Shift + Home Swap with top marker Shift + Esc Collect marker and paste Alt + Left arrow Camel case navigate left Alt + Right arrow Camel case navigate right Caps Lock + Arrow keys SmartNav Ctrl + Alt + [1 - 9] Toggle bookmark Ctrl + Num + Toggle next bookmark Ctrl + Num - Go to recent bookmark Defining selections ------------------- Num + Selection increase Ctrl + W Selection increase Num - Selection decrease Ctrl + Shift + W Selection decrease Alt + Shift + Left arrow Select CamelCase left Alt + Shift + Right arrow Select CamelCase right Caps Lock + Shift + Arrow keys SmartNav select Ctrl + Alt + Enter Multi-select Wrapping selections ------------------- Note: This needs to be enabled in the CodeRush Setup Wizard on the One-key Selection embedding page. / Comment/Uncomment ' (VB) Comment/Uncomment B Block begin/end Shift + [ Block begin/end C Try/Catch F Try/Finally T Try/Catch/Finally Shift + 0 Parens Shift + 9 Parens Shift + 1 Not parens Extended shortcuts ------------------ Enable on the Numeric Keypad Bindings page in the CodeRush Setup Wizard to get new extended shortcuts to help you refactor, select, and navigate through your code. Num 0 Refactor Num . Jump to… (menu) Num - Selection decrease Num + Selection increase Num Enter Jump to symbol Code generation & Refactoring ----------------------------- Note: Enable Caps shortcut in the Setup Wizard on the Caps as a Modifier page. Num 0 Refactor/Declare Ctrl + . Refactor/Declare Space Expand template Tab Expand template Alt + Up arrow Cycle scope up Alt + Down arrow Cycle scope down Shift + Enter Duplicate line/selection Caps Lock + C Declare class Caps Lock + M Declare method Caps Lock + P Declare propery Caps Lock + F Declare field Caps Lock + L Declare local Caps Lock + Q Declare constant Caps Lock + / Args up/down Caps Lock + Del Delete unused Caps Lock + Insert Add code Caps Lock + Space Toggle code Debugging --------- Alt + F9 Toggle temporary breakpoint Ctrl + Shift + F11 Step into member Alt + Down arrow Show expression explorer Ctrl + Alt + D Toggle debug visualizer Ctrl + R Refresh/Evaluate expression Test runner ----------- Ctrl + T then R Run active test Ctrl + T then D Debug active test Ctrl + T then F Run all tests in File Ctrl + T then S Run all tests in Solution Ctrl + T then L Repeat last test run Ctrl + T then T Show unit test runner Templates --------- Press Space or Tab and type these declaration characters. System: ' b - Boolean ' by - Byte ' c - Char ' d8 - DateTime ' de - Decimal ' d - Double ' ea - EventArgs ' x - Exception ' g - Guid ' sh - Inti6 ' i - Int32 ' l - Int64 ' ip - IntPtr ' o - Object ' si - Single ' s - String ' ts - TimeSpan ' ty - Type ' u - Ulnt32 For more CodeRush templates, check out the source link below. Source: CodeRush Shortcuts (PDF) Last modified on (UTC): Wednesday, May 10, 2023 Defkey © All rights reserved.