=========================================== DBeaver 6.0.3 keyboard shortcuts (filtered) =========================================== First published at 6/5/2019 on https://defkey.com/dbeaver-shortcuts DBeaver is a free and open source database management software for SQL. It provides an editor that supports code completion and syntax highlighting. SQL Editor ---------- Ctrl + Enter Execute current query (*) Ctrl + \ Execute current query in a new tab Alt + X Execute current script (**) Ctrl + Alt + ' Execute selected SQL expression and print results Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X Execute queries of current script simultaneously, showing results in separate tabs Ctrl + Space SQL completion proposals popup Ctrl + Alt + Space SQL templates proposals popup Ctrl + Shift + F Format current script (**) using current formatter Ctrl + / Toggle single/multi line comment Ctrl + Shift + / Toggle single/multi line comment Alt + 6 Maximize editor/results panels Ctrl + Shift + 6 Minimize editor/results panels Alt + 6 Switch editor/results panels Ctrl + Shift + X Convert selected text into upper/lower case Data viewer ----------- Tab Switch to record/grid mode Ctrl + ~ Switch presentation (grid, plain text, json, etc.) Ctrl + 2 Toggle sorting by current column Database Navigator ------------------ Ctrl + D Add bookmark on selected element Ctrl + F3 Open new SQL editor for current connection (***). Always creates new script Ctrl + Enter Open recent SQL editor for current connection (***). Opens last modified script or creates a new script References ----------     * - Current query is the query under cursor or the selected text. Query is separated from other script queries by delimiter (; by default) or by empty lines.     ** - Current script is a set of all queries in the current SQL file. If there is a text selection then only queries in this selection are processed. Queries are separated from each other with a delimiter (; by default).     Source Last modified on (UTC): Thursday, December 19, 2019 Defkey © All rights reserved.