================================== 1Password (Mac) raccourcis clavier ================================== Publié pour la première fois le 27/11/2019 sur https://defkey.com/fr/1password-mac-raccourcis-clavier 1Password (Mac) a 61 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. Global ------ To customize these three keyboard shortcuts, choose 1Password menu > Preferences, and click the General icon. Cmd + \ Fill Login on current web page. Requires the 1Password extension. Option + Cmd + \ Show 1Password mini. Control + Option + Cmd + L Lock 1Password. 1Password app ------------- Cmd + N Create a new item. Cmd + D Duplicate the selected item. Cmd + E Edit the selected item. Cmd + S Save changes to an item. Échap Cancel an edit. Échap Cancel the current search. Cmd + Suppr Move the selected item(s) to the Trash. Cmd + . Cancel an edit. Maj + Cmd + C Copy the password of the selected item. Control + Cmd + C Copy the username of the selected item. Maj + Control + Cmd + C Copy the one-time password of the selected item. Cmd + O Open the selected item in a separate window. Cmd + F Find items. Option + Cmd + F Find items. Control + Option + Cmd + F Show search options. Cmd + K Show the Quick Open search window. Cmd + L Show or hide the vaults list in the sidebar. Option + Cmd + L Collapse or expand the sidebar (when the vaults list is hidden). Cmd + { Show previous category. Cmd + } Show next category. Cmd + 0 View All Vaults. Cmd + [1 - 9] Switch to one of your first nine vaults. Option + Cmd + Entrée Open the selected Login item in your web browser and fill your username and password. Option Reveal all passwords in the item details. To conceal passwords, choose View > Conceal Passwords. Control + Cmd + P View > Conceal Passwords. Tab Switch focus from the sidebar to the search field to the item list. Maj + Tab Switch focus from the item list to the search field to the sidebar. Cmd + , Open preferences. Cmd + W Close the current window. Cmd + M Minimize the current window to the Dock. Control + Option + Cmd + Q Quit 1Password completely. 1Password mini -------------- Flèche vers le haut Select the previous category, item, or field. Flèche vers le bas Select the next category, item, or field. Flèche droite Select the item details. Flèche gauche Select the item list. Cmd + Flèche vers le bas Open the category menu. Cmd + 0 View all vaults. Cmd + [1 - 9] Switch to one of your first nine vaults. Entrée Copy the selected item detail. Entrée Open the selected Login item in your web browser and fill your username and password. Entrée Save and copy the generated password. Maj + Cmd + C Copy the password of the selected item. Maj + Cmd + C Copy the generated password. Control + Cmd + C Copy the username of the selected item. Maj + Control + Cmd + C Copy the one-time password of the selected item. Cmd + E Edit the selected item. Maj + Cmd + O Open the selected item in the 1Password app. Maj + Cmd + E Edit the selected item in the 1Password app. Cmd + . Cancel an edit. Cmd + S Save a new Login for the current website. Cmd + S Save changes to an item in a separate window. Cmd + N Open the password generator. Cmd + O Open the selected item in a separate window. Option Reveal all passwords in the item details. To conceal passwords, choose View > Conceal Passwords. Option + Clic gauche Close all separate windows. Échap Close 1Password mini. Échap Cancel the current search. Cmd + , Open 1Password preferences. Source: 1Password Dernière mise à jour (UTC): jeudi 7 avril 2022 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.