============================== ACDSee Free raccourcis clavier ============================== Publié pour la première fois le 15/12/2017 sur https://defkey.com/fr/acdsee-free-raccourcis-clavier ACDSee Free a 34 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. General ------- F Opens the image in full screen mode Ctrl + O Opens the Open files dialog box, in which you can select one or more images to open in the ACDSee Free window Ctrl + C Copies the currently displayed image to the Clipboard Ctrl + S Opens the Save Image As dialog box, in which you can save your image with a different name or file format Ctrl + P Opens the current image in the ACDSee Free Print utility Ctrl + Alt + Flèche gauche Rotates the current image 90° counterclockwise Ctrl + Alt + Flèche droite Rotates the current image 90° clockwise = Increases the magnification of the current image (zooms in) Alt + Flèche vers le bas Zooms the image to fit the height within the ACDSee Free window. Does not enlarge, only reduces Alt + Flèche droite Zooms the image to fit the width within the ACDSee Free window. Does not enlarge, only reduces Alt + F4 Closes ACDSee Free Alt + O Opens the ACDSee Free Options dialog box Maj + Ctrl + Alt + W Sets the selected image as a centered desktop wallpaper Ctrl + Maj + W Sets the selected image as a tiled desktop wallpaper Ctrl + Alt + W Sets the selected image as a stretched desktop wallpaper Alt + W Restores your desktop wallpaper to the setting you were using before you applied an ACDSee Free wallpaper Retour Arrière Displays the previous item in the view sequence Ctrl + Flèche gauche Displays the previous image Ctrl + Flèche droite Displays the next image Ctrl + C Copies the currently displayed image to the Clipboard Ctrl + V Pastes the contents of the Clipboard + Increases the magnification of the image (zooms in) - Decreases the magnification area of the image (zooms out) Suppr Deletes the current image to your Recycle Bin End Displays the last of your selected items, or the last item in the current folder Debut Displays the first of your selected items, or the first item in the current folder Échap Closes ACDSee Free or closes the current dialog box Pg Suiv Displays the next item Pg Préc Displays the previous item Espace Displays the next image Maj + Retour Arrière Displays the previous image Maj + Suppr Deletes the current image to your Recycle Bin Maj + Espace Opens the Save Image As dialog box, in which you can save your image with a different name or file format F1 Opens Help Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.