================================================= Adobe Photoshop Elements (Mac) raccourcis clavier ================================================= Publié pour la première fois le 26/10/2018 sur https://defkey.com/fr/adobe-photoshop-elements-mac-raccourcis-clavier Adobe Photoshop Elements (Mac) a 152 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. Tool selection -------------- Maj (press keyboard shortcut (preference setting, Use Shift Key for Tool Switch, must be enabled)) Cycle through tools that have the same keyboard shortcut Option + Clic gauche (click on a tool) Cycle through nested tools V Move tool Z Zoom tool H Hand tool I Eyedropper tool M Rectangular Marquee tool M Elliptical Marquee tool L Lasso tool L Magnetic Lasso tool L Polygonal Lasso tool A Magic Wand tool A Selection Brush tool A Quick Selection tool A Refined Selection tool A Auto Selection tool T Horizontal Type tool T Vertical Type tool T Horizontal Type Mask tool T Vertical Type Mask tool T Text on Selection T Text on Shape T Text on Path C Crop tool C Perspective Crop C Cookie Cutter tool W Recompose tool P Straighten tool Y Eye tool J Spot Healing Brush tool J Healing Brush tool S Clone Stamp tool S Pattern Stamp tool E Eraser tool E Background Eraser tool E Magic Eraser tool N Pencil tool B Brush tool B Impressionist Brush B Color Replacement tool F Smart Brush tool F Detail Smart Brush tool K Paint Bucket tool G Gradient tool U Custom Shape tool U Rectangle tool U Rounded Rectangle tool U Ellipse tool U Polygon tool U Star tool U Line tool U Shape Selection tool R Blur tool R Sharpen tool R Smudge tool O Sponge tool O Dodge tool O Burn tool Tab Show/Hide all panels D Default foreground and background colors X Switch foreground and background colors Layers panel ------------ Option + Clic gauche (click New button) Set layer options Option + Clic gauche (click Trash button) Delete without confirmation Maj + Entrée Apply value and keep text box active Cmd + Clic gauche (click layer thumbnail) Load layer transparency as a selection Cmd + Maj + Clic gauche (click layer thumbnail) Add to current selection Cmd + Option + Clic gauche (click layer thumbnail) Subtract from current selection Cmd + Maj + Option + Clic gauche (click layer thumbnail) Intersect with current selection Cmd + Maj + E Merge visible layers Option + Clic gauche (click New Layer button) Create new empty layer with dialog Cmd + Clic gauche (click New Layer button) Create new layer below target layer Option + . Activate bottom/top layer Option + , Activate bottom/top layer Option + [ Select next layer down/up Option + ] Select next layer down/up Cmd + [ Move target layer down/up Cmd + ] Move target layer down/up Cmd + Maj + Option + E Merge a copy of all visible layers into target layer Cmd + E Merge down Option (use Merge Down command from the panel pop-up menu) Copy current layer to layer below Option (use Merge Visible command from the panel pop-up menu) Copy all visible layers to active layer Option + Clic gauche (click the eye icon) Show/hide all other currently visible layers / Toggle lock transparency for target layer, or last applied lock Double clic (double click the text layer thumbnail) Select all text; temporarily select Type tool Option + Clic gauche (click the line dividing two layers) Create a clipping mask Double clic (Double-click the layer name) Rename layer Maj + Option + [ Add to layer selection in Layers panel Maj + Option + ] Add to layer selection in Layers panel Alt + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris (drag layer mask) Copy the mask from one layer to another, and ask to replace if the mask is already present Using text ---------- Cmd + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris (drag type when Type layer is selected) Move type in image Maj + Touches directionnelles Select 1 character left/right or 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right Cmd + Maj + Touches directionnelles Select 1 character left/right or 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right Maj + Clic gauche Select characters from insertion point to mouse click point Touches directionnelles Move 1 character left/right, 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right Cmd + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Move 1 character left/right, 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right Double clic Select word Cliquez trois fois (rapidement) Select line Double clic puis Double clic Select paragraph Cmd + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris (drag a bounding box handle) Scale and skew text within a bounding box when resizing the bounding box Cmd + Maj + L (when Horizontal Type tool or Horizontal Type Mask tool selected) Align left Cmd + Maj + C (when Horizontal Type tool or Horizontal Type Mask tool selected) Align center Cmd + Maj + R (when Horizontal Type tool or Horizontal Type Mask tool selected) Align right Cmd + Maj + L (when Vertical Type tool or Vertical Type Mask tool selected) Align top Cmd + Maj + C (when Vertical Type tool or Vertical Type Mask tool selected) Align center Cmd + Maj + R (when Vertical Type tool or Vertical Type Mask tool selected) Align bottom Cmd + Maj + Y Return to default font style Cmd + Maj + U Turn Underlining on/off Cmd + Maj + / Turn Strikethrough on/off Cmd + Maj + < Decrease type size of selected text 1 pt/px Cmd + Maj + > Increase type size of selected text 1 pt/px Selecting and moving objects ---------------------------- Cmd + D Deselect a selection Espace + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Reposition marquee while selecting Maj + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris (on any selection tool) Add to or subtract from a selection Option + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris (on any selection tool) Add to or subtract from a selection Maj + Option + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris (on any selection tool except Quick Selection tool and Selection Brush tool) Intersect a selection Maj + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Constrain marquee to square or circle (if no other selections are active) Option + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Draw marquee from center (if no other selections are active) Maj + Option + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Constrain shape and draw marquee from center Cmd (except when Hand or any shape tool is selected) Switch to Move tool Option + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Switch from Magnetic Lasso tool to Polygonal Lasso tool Suppr Delete last anchor point for Magnetic or Polygonal Lasso tool Entrée Apply an operation of the Magnetic Lasso tool Échap Apply an operation of the Magnetic Lasso tool Option + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris (when move tool selected, Option + drag selection) Move copy of selection Touches directionnelles (on any selection) Move selection area 1 pixel Touches directionnelles (move tool) Move selection 1 pixel Cmd + Touches directionnelles Move layer 1 pixel when nothing selected on layer [ (Magnetic Lasso tool) Increase detection width ] (Magnetic Lasso tool) Decrease detection width Entrée (crop tool) Accept cropping or exit cropping Échap (crop tool) Accept cropping or exit cropping / Toggle crop shield off and on Painting and brushes -------------------- Option (on any painting tool or shape tool, except Impressionist Brush) Switch to Eyedropper tool Option + Clic gauche (on Eyedropper tool) Select background color [0 - 9] (on any painting or editing tool. When airbrush option is enabled, use Shift + number keys) Set opacity, tolerance, or exposure for painting Maj + + Cycle through blending modes Maj + - Cycle through blending modes Option + Retour Arrière Fill selection/layer with foreground or background color Cmd + Retour Arrière Fill selection/layer with foreground or background color Maj + Retour Arrière Display Fill dialog box / Lock transparent pixels on/off Maj + Clic gauche (on any painting tool) Connect points with a straight line (draw a straight line) Option + Clic gauche (click on a brush) Delete brush [ Decrease brush size ] Increase brush size Maj + [ Decrease brush softness/hardness in 25% increments Maj + ] Increase brush softness/hardness in 25% increments , Select previous brush size . Select next brush size Maj + , Select first brush Maj + . Select last brush Verr Maj Display precise crosshair for brushes Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.