=========================== Airtable raccourcis clavier =========================== Publié pour la première fois le 13/08/2020 sur https://defkey.com/fr/airtable-raccourcis-clavier Airtable a 38 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. General ------- Ctrl + / Show this list in Airtable Ctrl + Z Undo action Ctrl + Y Redo action Ctrl + Maj + Z Redo action Ctrl + P Print the current table view or current expanded record (if inside an expanded record) Ctrl + J Opens the table switcher in the current base Ctrl + K Opens the quick base switcher if on the home screen or inside a base Ctrl + Maj + K Opens the view switcher in the current base Ctrl + Maj + F Opens the filter menu in the current view. Press Enter to create a new filter Ctrl + Maj + D Opens the grouped records menu in the current view. Press Enter to collapse or expand all groups Ctrl + Maj + S Opens the sort menu in the current view. Press Enter to re-apply the most recent sort Ctrl + Maj + \ Toggles blocks Ctrl + F Opens find bar. Use Esc to close find bar Ctrl + G Opens find bar. Use Esc to close find bar Ctrl + ; Sets the selected date/datetime field to now Grid view --------- Ctrl + C Copy a cell or range of cells Ctrl + X Cut a cell or range of cells Ctrl + V Paste a cell (if you select a range of cells, you can paste the same value into multiple cells at once) Espace Expand the active record (use Esc to return to table) Maj + Espace Expand the active cell (you can then use arrow keys to move to different cells) Pg Préc / Suiv Scrolls one screen up or down Fn + Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Scrolls one screen up or down Alt + Pg Préc / Suiv Scrolls one screen left or right Alt + Fn + Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Scrolls one screen left or right Ctrl + Touches directionnelles Jump to the edge of the table Ctrl + Maj + Touches directionnelles Jump to edge of table and select cells Maj + Touches directionnelles Select range of cells. You can also click while holding Shift to select cells Maj + Entrée Insert a record below the selected cell Entrée Edit the selected cell F2 Edit the selected cell Alt + Déplacer la souris Duplicate a record or field Gallery view ------------ Ctrl + Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Scroll to edge of gallery Kanban view ----------- Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Scroll kanban board to the left or right by one stack Ctrl + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Scroll kanban board to the left or right edge Ctrl + Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Scroll all stacks to top or bottom Expanded record --------------- Ctrl + Maj + < Move to the previous or next record while viewing an expanded record Ctrl + Maj + > Move to the previous or next record while viewing an expanded record Échap Close expanded record Source: Airtable Dernière mise à jour (UTC): jeudi 13 août 2020 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.