================================ Kindle for PC raccourcis clavier ================================ Publié pour la première fois le 28/07/2018 sur https://defkey.com/fr/amazon-kindle-for-pc-raccourcis-clavier Kindle for PC a 58 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. Anywhere in the application --------------------------- Ctrl + Alt + L Go to Home Ctrl + Q Exit the Application F5 Sync F1 Help Tab Move focus to next enabled control From Library ------------ Flèche vers le haut Move the focus to the book above the current selection Flèche droite Move the focus of the book to the right of the current selection Flèche gauche Move the focus of the book to the left of the current selection Flèche vers le bas Move the focus of the book below the current selection Pg Préc Scroll the list of books up one page (but do not change the current focus) Pg Suiv Scroll the list of books down one page (but do not change the current focus) Entrée Open selected book to last (go to last page read) Ctrl + O Open selected book to last (go to last page read) Ctrl + Alt + R Sort by Most Recent Ctrl + Alt + T Sort by Title Ctrl + Alt + U Sort by Author While Reading a Book -------------------- Pg Suiv Next Page Flèche droite Next Page Pg Préc Previous Page Flèche gauche Previous Page Retour Arrière Back Ctrl + + Increase Font Size (doesn't work on comics or content for children) Ctrl + - Decrease Font Size (doesn't work on comics or content for children) Ctrl + D Bookmark Ctrl + B Open Notes and Marks (if closed) Ctrl + B Close Notes and Marks (if opened) Ctrl + G Go to Location Ctrl + W Close Book Ctrl + F Search F11 Toggle Full-Screen Mode Échap Exit Full-Screen Mode Alt + 1 Single Column Alt + 2 Two-Column Alt + 3 Multi-Column Ctrl + Maj + F Open Flashcard Side Panel Ctrl + Y Open and close X-Ray for Textbooks (only works on eligible Textbooks) Ctrl + Espace Flip Flashcards (only works when in the Flashcards deck) Ctrl + Maj + N Export to Flashcards from Notebook (when using the Notebook) Ctrl + Alt + E Export notes from Notebook (when using the Notebook) Using Text-to-Speech --------------------   To use these shortcuts, you must enable Text-to-Speech first. Press "Ctrl + T" or select the Tools menu and chose Start Text-to-Speech. Ctrl + T Toggle Text-to-Speech Espace Pause or resume reading (while in a book) Ctrl + Maj + Flèche vers le haut Read the previous sentence Ctrl + Maj + Flèche vers le bas Skip forward one sentence Maj + + Increase speech rate Maj + - Decrease speech rate Ctrl + Maj + C Toggle continuous reading   Note: This feature only works on eligible Kindle content. You can configure the Text-to-Speech language from the System Preferences on your computer. Navigating Within Tables (NVDA) ------------------------------- T Go to the next table Maj + T Go to the previous table Maj + + Enter first cell Ctrl + Alt + Flèche droite Cell to right Ctrl + Alt + Flèche gauche Cell to left Ctrl + Alt + Flèche vers le haut Cell above Ctrl + Alt + Flèche vers le bas Cell below K Next / Previous link Maj + K Next / Previous link G Next / Previous image Maj + G Next / Previous image + Exit table Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.