=============================== Apple Finder raccourcis clavier =============================== Publié pour la première fois le 11/02/2018 sur https://defkey.com/fr/apple-finder-raccourcis-clavier Apple Finder a 56 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. File and window related ----------------------- Cmd + N New Finder window Maj + Cmd + N New folder Option + Cmd + N New Smart Folder Cmd + O Open selected item Cmd + T New tab Cmd + W Close window Option + Cmd + W Close all Finder windows Cmd + I Show Get Info for selected item Cmd + D Duplicate selected files Cmd + L Make an alias of selected item Cmd + R Show original for selected alias Cmd + Y Quick Look selected item Control + Cmd + T Add selected item to sidebar Control + Maj + Cmd + T Add selected item to Dock Cmd + Suppr Move selected item to trash Cmd + F Find Option + Cmd + T Add Tag to selected item Cmd + E Eject selected device Finder viewing options ---------------------- Cmd + 1 View as icons Cmd + 2 View as list Cmd + 3 View as column Cmd + 4 View as cover flow Cmd + Flèche droite In list view, expands the highlighted folder Cmd + Flèche gauche In list view, collapses the highlighted folder Option + Cmd + Flèche droite In list view, expands the highlighted folder and all subfolders Cmd + Flèche vers le bas In list view, opens the selected folder Control + Cmd + 0 Arrange by none Control + Cmd + 1 Arrange by name Control + Cmd + 2 Arrange by kind Control + Cmd + 3 Arrange by date last opened Control + Cmd + 4 Arrange by date added Control + Cmd + 5 Arrange by date modified Control + Cmd + 6 Arrange by size Control + Cmd + 7 Arrange by tags Cmd + J Show view options Option + Cmd + P Show or hide the path bar Option + Cmd + S Show or hide the sidebar Cmd + / Show of hide the status bar Maj + Cmd + T Show or hide a Finder tab Control + Cmd + F Enter or leave full screen Quick ways to navigate ---------------------- Cmd + [ Go back to previous location Cmd + ] Go forward to previous location Cmd + Flèche vers le haut Go to enclosing folder Maj + Cmd + A Open the Applications folder Maj + Cmd + C Open the Computer window Maj + Cmd + D Open the Desktop folder Maj + Cmd + F Open All My Files window Maj + Cmd + G Open Go To Folder window Maj + Cmd + H Open the Home folder Maj + Cmd + I Open iCloud Drive folder Maj + Cmd + K Open Network window Maj + Cmd + L Open Downloads folder Maj + Cmd + O Open Documents folder Maj + Cmd + R Open AirDrop window Maj + Cmd + U Open Utilities folder Cmd + K Open Connect to Server window Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.