================================= CCH Axcess Tax raccourcis clavier ================================= Publié pour la première fois le 17/04/2020 sur https://defkey.com/fr/cch-axcess-tax-raccourcis-clavier CCH Axcess Tax a 61 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. General ------- Note: In addition to keyboard shortcuts, access keys are available for ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar commands. Press the Alt key to display KeyTips for each command. You can use the shortcut displayed in KeyTip with Alt key. Alt Show/hide application KeyTips. Alt + F4 Close Return Manager or Tax. Ctrl + A Select all items in a list, field, or grid. Ctrl + C Copy the selected item. Ctrl + F Open the Find window. Ctrl + M Open Dashboard. Ctrl + N Create a return. Ctrl + O Open the selected return. Ctrl + P Open the Print window. Ctrl + R Calculate and recalculate the return. Ctrl + S Save changes to the return. Ctrl + V Paste an item from the Clipboard. Ctrl + X Cut the selected item. Ctrl + Y Redo an action. Ctrl + Z Undo an action. F1 Display Help for a field or window. F2 Display Help for a worksheet. F3 Display government form instructions. List ---- Debut Select first item. End Select last item. [A - Z] Select an item matching the first letter of an option in the list. Tree ---- Num * Display all sub-items under the selected item. Num + Display the sub-items directly under the selected item. Num - Collapse the items directly under the selected item group. Flèche gauche Collapse the current selected level (if expanded) and move focus to the previous level. Flèche droite Display the sub-items directly under the selected item (if collapsed). Maj + Flèche vers le haut Scroll the view without changing the selection. Maj + Flèche vers le bas Scroll the view without changing the selection. Window ------ Tab Move to the next option or option group. Maj + Tab Move to the previous option or option group. Ctrl + Clic gauche Open worksheet or form in a new tab. Ctrl + Tab Switch to the next tab when multiple tabs are open. Ctrl + Maj + Tab Switch to the previous tab in a window. Touches directionnelles Move between options in an open list or between options in a group of options. Espace Perform the action assigned to the selected button; select or clear the check box. Alt + Flèche vers le bas Open a selected list. F4 Open a selected list. Alt + Flèche vers le haut Close a selected list. F5 Refresh the Return Manager grid. F6 Move between panes. [A - Z] (first letter of an option in a list) Select an option from a list. Editing forms, worksheets and grids ----------------------------------- Alt + + Add another item to a grid or detail worksheet. End Move to the end of the entry. Debut Move to the beginning of the entry. Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Move one character to the left or right. Ctrl + Alt + V Paste data from the Clipboard into a grid. Ctrl + Flèche gauche Move left one word. Ctrl + Flèche droite Move right one word. Ctrl + Maj + Flèche gauche Select or unselect one word to the left. Ctrl + Maj + Flèche droite Select or unselect one word to the right. Ctrl + L Display the list in an amount or grid field. Ctrl + T Insert or delete a tick mark in the selected field. F2 Display worksheet instructions. F3 Display form instructions. F4 Look up a value for the selected field. F9 Move to the next form or worksheet. F10 Move to the previous form or worksheet. Maj + Flèche gauche Select or unselect one character to the left. Maj + Flèche droite Select or unselect one character to the right. Maj + End Select from the insertion point to the end of the entry. Maj + Debut Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry. Dernière mise à jour (UTC): vendredi 17 avril 2020 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.