================================================== ConEmu (190623 alpha) raccourcis clavier (filtrée) ================================================== Publié pour la première fois le 25/06/2019 sur https://defkey.com/fr/conemu-raccourcis-clavier Non configurable hotkeys ------------------------ Win + Alt + P Displays ConEmu Settings dialog Win + Alt + Espace Pop up ConEmu system menu Configurable hotkeys --------------------     Multiconsole Win + W Create a new console tab Win + ~ Restart current console, all applications running in the current console will be terminated Win + Maj + Q Activate next/previous console tab Win + S Duplicate tab with current state of root process Full list of hotkeys -------------------- Ctrl + Win + Alt + Entrée Enter TEXT fullscreen mode, when available. If not - standard fullscreen and always on top Win + Maj + W Create new console (after ‘Create confirmation’) Win + X Create new ‘cmd.exe’ console Win + Maj + G Attach existing Console or GUI application Touche du menu contextuel + Flèche vers le haut Split: Put focus to nearest pane upward Win + Maj + Q Switch next console Win + A Show alternative console buffer (last command output) Touche du menu contextuel + G Group keyboard input for visible splits Touche du menu contextuel + Maj + G Group keyboard input for all consoles Ctrl + Alt + Break Terminate (kill) active process in the current console Touche du menu contextuel + L Highlighting: Switch ‘Highlight row under mouse cursor’ Touche du menu contextuel + X Highlighting: Switch ‘Highlight row & col under mouse cursor’ Touche du menu contextuel + F12 Show opened tabs list (works in Far too) Win + H Make screenshot of active window Source: ConEmu Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.