================================== Fantasy Grounds raccourcis clavier ================================== Publié pour la première fois le 17/12/2020 sur https://defkey.com/fr/fantasy-grounds-raccourcis-clavier Fantasy Grounds a 57 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. Text fields ----------- Ctrl + A Select all text Ctrl + C Copy selected text to the clipboard Ctrl + J Join paragraph containing cursor with the following line Ctrl + V Paste text on the clipboard into the control Ctrl + X Copy selected text to the clipboard, and delete the selection Ctrl + Z Undo last change Number fields ------------- Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas (when cursor over number field) Change the value in the field Note: In the 3.5E and 4E rulesets, you must hold the CONTROL key while using the mouse wheel to quick edit Ctrl When dragging a number, holding Ctrl will negate the number being dragged Retour Arrière Reset number field Suppr Reset number field Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Some rulesets show a small dice icon on PC sheet number field that can be rolled by dragging or double-clicking Double clic Some rulesets show a small dice icon on PC sheet number field that can be rolled by dragging or double-clicking Ctrl + Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Some rulesets show a small plus icon in the upper right corner of a PC sheet number field that can be adjusted by using the Ctrl key plus the mouse wheel or dropping a number (if the ruleset supports it) Formatted text fields --------------------- Ctrl + 1 Body Ctrl + 2 Header Ctrl + 3 Story Ctrl + 4 List Ctrl + 5 Link list Ctrl + 6 Table Ctrl + Tab Add Speaker to Story Text Ctrl + A Select all text Ctrl + C Copy selected text to the clipboard Ctrl + J Join paragraph containing cursor with the following line Ctrl + V Paste text on the clipboard into the control Ctrl + X Copy selected text to the clipboard, and delete the selection Ctrl + Z Undo last change Ctrl + Tab Insert new cell in table, or assign speaker to chat text Ctrl + + Increase column width of table cell by one Ctrl + - Decrease column width of table cell by one Most text can also be formatted as bold, italic and underline by selecting the appropriate right-click menu option, or using following keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + B Bold Ctrl + I Italic Ctrl + U Underline Chat entry field ---------------- Ctrl + Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Swap message buffers Maj + Clic gauche Select from cursor Ctrl + Entrée Story (GM) or Action (PC) text Maj + Ctrl + Entrée Emote text Alt + Entrée OOC text Selection and navigation in text fields --------------------------------------- Ctrl + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Jump word left/right Ctrl + Debut Jump to beginning of text Ctrl + End Jump to end of text Maj + Pg Préc / Suiv Select page down/up Maj + Ctrl + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Select word left/right Maj + Debut Select to beginning of line Maj + Ctrl + Debut Select to beginning of text Maj + End Select to end of line Maj + Ctrl + End Select to end of text Maj + Clic gauche Select text from cursor to click point Maj + Clic gauche (GM formatted text only, click on link graphic) - Set link as shareable Image field ----------- Maj + Clic gauche (Draw / Mask) Straight line (vs. freehand) Ctrl + Clic gauche (Mask) Unmask Ctrl (while viewing) Show shortcuts Ctrl + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Quick circle pointer Alt + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Quick cone pointer Maj + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Quick square pointer Ctrl + Déplacer la souris (during token selection mode) - Target tokens in region Maj + Clic gauche (on link pin graphic) Make link shareable Ctrl + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris (drag on panning control) Zoom mode Dernière mise à jour (UTC): jeudi 17 décembre 2020 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.