=========================== GeoGebra raccourcis clavier =========================== Publié pour la première fois le 14/01/2019 sur https://defkey.com/fr/geogebra-raccourcis-clavier GeoGebra a 259 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. Windows shortcuts ----------------- Ctrl + A Select All Ctrl + Maj + A View/Hide Algebra Window Alt + A alpha α (Press Shift for upper-case: Α) Alt + B beta β (Press Shift for upper-case: Β) Ctrl + Maj + B Export ggbBase64 string to clipboard Ctrl + C Copy Ctrl + Alt + C Copies values (spreadsheet) Ctrl + Maj + C Copy Graphics View to clipboard Ctrl + D Toggle value/definition/command Ctrl + Maj + D Toggle Selection Allowed for all "non-essential"/free geometric objects Alt + D delta δ (Press Shift for upper-case: Δ) Ctrl + E Open Object Properties View Ctrl + Maj + E Open/Close Object Properties View Alt + E Euler ℯ Ctrl + F Refresh Views Alt + F phi φ (Press Shift for upper-case: Φ) Ctrl + G Show/Hide selected objects Ctrl + Maj + G Show/Hide labels of selected objects Alt + G gamma γ (Press Shift for upper-case: Γ) Alt + I imaginary unit ί = √-1 Ctrl + J Select ancestors Ctrl + Maj + J Select descendants Ctrl + Maj + K View/Hide CAS View Ctrl + L Select current layer Alt + L lambda λ (Press Shift for upper-case: Λ) Ctrl + Maj + L View/Hide Construction Protocol Ctrl + Maj + M Export HTML code string to clipboard Alt + M mu μ (Press Shift for upper-case: Μ) Ctrl + N New Window Ctrl + Maj + N Open next window (or next ggb file in folder) Ctrl + Maj + Alt + N Open previous window Ctrl + O Open New File Alt + O degree symbol ° Ctrl + P Print Preview (Desktop) / Print Menu (Web) Ctrl + Maj + P Open Probability Calculator Alt + P pi π (Press Shift for upper-case: Π) Ctrl + Q Select ancestors (deprecated) Ctrl + Maj + Q Select descendants (deprecated) Ctrl + R Recompute all objects (including random numbers) Alt + R Square-root symbol: √ Ctrl + S Save Ctrl + Maj + S View spreadsheet Alt + S sigma σ (Press Shift for upper-case: Σ) Ctrl + Maj + T Export as PSTricks Alt + T theta θ (Press Shift for upper-case: Θ) Alt + U infinity ∞ Ctrl + Maj + U Open Graphic Export Dialog Ctrl + V Paste Ctrl + Maj + W Export Dynamic Worksheet Alt + W omega ω (Press Shift for upper-case: Ω) Ctrl + Y Redo Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Maj + Z Redo Alt + 0 to the power of 0 Ctrl + 1 Standard font size, line thickness, and point size Alt + 1 to the power of 1 Ctrl + Maj + 1 View/Hide Graphics View 1 Ctrl + 2 Increase font size, line thickness, and point size Alt + 2 to the power of 2 Ctrl + Maj + 2 View/Hide Graphics View 2 Ctrl + 3 Black/white mode Alt + 3 to the power of 3 Alt + 4 to the power of 4 Alt + 5 to the power of 5 Alt + 6 to the power of 6 Alt + 7 to the power of 7 Alt + 8 to the power of 8 Alt + 9 to the power of 9 - Decrease selected slider/number - Move selected point along path/curve Ctrl + - Zoom out Alt + - superscript minus + Increase selected slider/number + Move selected point along path/curve Ctrl + + Zoom in Alt + + ⊕ (xor) = Increase selected slider/number = Move selected point along curve Ctrl + = Zoom in Alt + = ⊕ (xor) Alt + < less-than-or-equal-to ≤ Alt + , less-than-or-equal-to ≤ Alt + > greater-than-or-equal-to ≥ Alt + . greater-than-or-equal-to ≥ F1 Help F2 Start editing selected object F3 Copy definition of selected object to the Input Bar F4 Copy value of selected object to the Input Bar Alt + F4 Quit GeoGebra F5 copy name of selected object to the Input Bar F9 Recompute all objects (including random numbers) Entrée Toggle input View and Input Bar Ctrl + Tab Cycle the focus round the open views Clic gauche (current mode) Alt + Clic gauche Copy definition to input bar Alt + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Create list of selected objects in input bar Clic droit (in Graphics View) Fast drag mode (drag on object) Clic droit Selection rectangle Clic droit Open menu (click on object) Clic droit Open Preferences menu (click not on object) Maj + Clic droit + Déplacer la souris Zoom without preserving the aspect ratio Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Zoom in / out (Application) Maj + Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Zoom in / out (Applet) Alt + Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Accelerated zoom in / out Suppr Delete current selection Retour Arrière Delete current selection Flèche vers le haut Increase selected slider/number Flèche vers le haut Move selected point up Flèche vers le haut 3D Graphics: Increase y-coordinate of selected point Flèche vers le haut Go to older entry in Input Bar history Flèche vers le haut Go up in construction protocol (only Desktop) Flèche vers le haut Move active Graphics view up Ctrl + Flèche vers le haut x10 speed multiplier Ctrl + Flèche vers le haut Spreadsheet: go to top of current block of cells Ctrl + Flèche vers le haut (or go up to next defined cell) Maj + Flèche vers le haut x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale y-axis if no objects selected Alt + Flèche vers le haut x100 multiplier Flèche droite Increase selected slider/number Flèche droite Move selected point right Flèche droite 3D Graphics: Increase x-coordinate of selected point Flèche droite Go up in construction protocol (only Desktop) Flèche droite Move active Graphics view right Ctrl + Flèche droite x10 speed multiplier Ctrl + Flèche droite Spreadsheet: go to right of current block of cells Ctrl + Flèche droite (or go right to next defined cell) Maj + Flèche droite x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale x-axis if no objects selected Alt + Flèche droite x100 multiplier Flèche gauche Decrease selected slider/number Flèche gauche Move selected point left Flèche gauche 3D Graphics: Decrease x-coordinate of selected point Flèche gauche Go down in construction protocol (Desktop only) Flèche gauche Move active Graphics view left Ctrl + Flèche gauche x10 speed multiplier Ctrl + Flèche gauche Spreadsheet: go to left of current block of cells Ctrl + Flèche gauche (or go left to next defined cell) Maj + Flèche gauche x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale x-axis if no objects selected Alt + Flèche gauche x100 multiplier Flèche vers le bas Decrease selected slider/number Flèche vers le bas Move selected point down Flèche vers le bas 3D Graphics: Decrease y-coordinate of selected point Flèche vers le bas Go to newer entry in Input Bar history Flèche vers le bas Go down in construction protocol (Desktop only) Flèche vers le bas Move active Graphics view down Ctrl + Flèche vers le bas x10 speed multiplier Ctrl + Flèche vers le bas Spreadsheet: go to bottom of current block of cells Ctrl + Flèche vers le bas (or go down to next defined cell) Maj + Flèche vers le bas x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale y-axis if no objects selected Alt + Flèche vers le bas x100 multiplier Debut Go to first item in construction protocol (only Desktop) Debut Spreadsheet: go to the first column left Pg Préc Go to first item in construction protocol (only Desktop) Pg Préc 3D Graphics: Increase z-coordinate of selected point End Go to last item in construction protocol (only Desktop) End Spreadsheet: Go to the next row with input below Pg Suiv Go to last item in construction protocol (only Desktop) Pg Suiv 3D Graphics: Decrease z-coordinate of selected point   To get uppercase Greek characters use Alt + Shift (on macOS use Control + Shift). Mac desktop ----------- Cmd + A Select All View/Hide Algebra Window Alt + A alpha α (Press Shift for upper-case: Α) Alt + B beta β (Press Shift for upper-case: Β) Cmd + Maj + B Export ggbBase64 string to clipboard Cmd + C Copy Cmd + Alt + C Copies values (spreadsheet) Cmd + Maj + C Copy Graphics View to clipboard Cmd + D Toggle value/definition/command Alt + D delta δ (Press Shift for upper-case: Δ) Cmd + E Open Object Properties View Cmd + Maj + E Open/Close Object Properties View Cmd + F Refresh Views Cmd + G Show/Hide selected objects Cmd + Maj + G Show/Hide labels of selected objects Alt + 1 imaginary unit ί = √-1 Cmd + J Select ancestors Cmd + Maj + J Select descendants Cmd + Maj + K View/Hide CAS View Cmd + L Select current layer Cmd + Maj + L View/Hide Construction Protocol Cmd + Maj + M Export HTML code string to clipboard Alt + M mu μ (Press Shift for upper-case: Μ) Cmd + N New Window Cmd + Maj + N Open next window (or next ggb file in folder) Cmd + Maj + Alt + N Open previous window Cmd + O Open New File Cmd + P Print Preview (Desktop) / Print Menu (Web) Cmd + Maj + P Open Probability Calculator Alt + P pi π (Press Shift for upper-case: Π) Cmd + Q Quit GeoGebra Cmd + R Recompute all objects (including random numbers) Cmd + S Save Cmd + Maj + S View spreadsheet Cmd + Maj + T Export as PSTricks Alt + , infinity ∞ Cmd + Maj + U Open Graphic Export Dialog Cmd + V Paste Cmd + W Quit GeoGebra Cmd + Maj + W Export Dynamic Worksheet Cmd + Y Redo Cmd + Z Undo Cmd + Maj + Z Redo Cmd + 1 Standard font size, line thickness, and point size Cmd + Maj + 1 View/Hide Graphics View 1 Cmd + 2 Increase font size, line thickness, and point size Cmd + Maj + 2 View/Hide Graphics View 2 Cmd + 3 Black/white mode Alt + + ⊕ (xor) Alt + < less-than-or-equal-to ≤ Alt + Maj + > greater-than-or-equal-to ≥ F1 Help F2 Start editing selected object F3 Copy definition of selected object to the Input Bar F4 Copy value of selected object to the Input Bar F5 copy name of selected object to the Input Bar F9 Recompute all objects (including random numbers) Entrée Toggle input Graphics View and Input Bar Clic gauche (current mode) Alt + Clic gauche Copy definition to input bar Alt + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Create list of selected objects in input bar Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Zoom in / out (Application) Maj + Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Zoom in / out (Applet) Alt + Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Accelerated zoom in / out Retour Arrière Delete current selection Flèche vers le haut Increase selected slider/number Flèche vers le haut Move selected point up Flèche vers le haut 3D Graphics: Increase y-coordinate of selected point Flèche vers le haut Go to older entry in Input Bar history Flèche vers le haut Go up in construction protocol (only Desktop) Flèche vers le haut Move active Graphics view up Maj + Flèche vers le haut x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale y-axis if no objects selected Alt + Flèche vers le haut x100 multiplier Flèche droite Increase selected slider/number Flèche droite Move selected point right Flèche droite 3D Graphics: Increase x-coordinate of selected point Flèche droite Go up in construction protocol (only Desktop) Flèche droite Move active Graphics view right Maj + Flèche droite x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale x-axis if no objects selected Alt + Flèche droite x100 multiplier Flèche gauche Decrease selected slider/number Flèche gauche Move selected point left Flèche gauche 3D Graphics: Decrease x-coordinate of selected point Flèche gauche Go down in construction protocol (Desktop only) Flèche gauche Move active Graphics view left Maj + Flèche gauche x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale x-axis if no objects selected Alt + Flèche gauche x100 multiplier Flèche vers le bas Decrease selected slider/number Flèche vers le bas Move selected point down Flèche vers le bas 3D Graphics: Decrease y-coordinate of selected point Flèche vers le bas Go to newer entry in Input Bar history Flèche vers le bas Go down in construction protocol (Desktop only) Flèche vers le bas Move active Graphics view down Maj + Flèche vers le bas x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale y-axis if no objects selected Alt + Flèche vers le bas x100 multiplier Debut Go to first item in construction protocol (only Desktop) Debut Spreadsheet: go to the first column left Pg Préc Go to first item in construction protocol (only Desktop) Pg Préc 3D Graphics: Increase z-coordinate of selected point End Go to last item in construction protocol (only Desktop) End Spreadsheet: Go to the next row with input below Pg Suiv Go to last item in construction protocol (only Desktop) Pg Suiv 3D Graphics: Decrease z-coordinate of selected point   To get uppercase Greek characters use Control + Shift). Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.