=================================== Global Mapper 21 raccourcis clavier =================================== Publié pour la première fois le 20/08/2020 sur https://defkey.com/fr/global-mapper-21-raccourcis-clavier Global Mapper 21 a 148 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. File management --------------- Ctrl + O OPEN a New Data File Ctrl + S SAVE the Current Workspace Ctrl + W Load a WORKSPACE File Ctrl + U UNLOAD All Loaded Data Files General ------- F1 Display the USER MANUAL Alt + X EXIT Global Mapper Alt + C Show the Overlay CONTROL CENTER Maj + C CAPTURE the current screen contents to an image Ctrl + A SELECT ALL LAYERS in the Overlay Control Center Ctrl + M MARK a waypoint at the current GPS location (when tracking a GPS device) Ctrl + T Start TRACKING a connected GPS device Ctrl + Maj + D Toggle the display of features MARKED AS DELETED Ctrl + L Copy current cursor LOCATION (lat, lon) to the Windows Clipboard Ctrl + Alt + L Copy current cursor LOCATION (lat, lon) in the Currently Selected Projection to the Windows Clipboard inserting a TAB character to separate the X and Y values Ctrl + Maj + L Copy current cursor LOCATION (lat, lon) to the Windows Clipboard, and append the ELEVATION value, if available Clipboard --------- Ctrl + C COPY (to the clipboard) features currently selected with the Digitizer/ Edit tool Ctrl + X DELETE (& Copy to clipboard) features currently selected with Digitizer/ Edit tool Ctrl + V PASTE clipboard contents (from Ctrl + C or Ctrl + X) to current cursor location Ctrl + Maj + V Paste clipboard contents BUT don't clear the clipboard General tool operations ----------------------- Échap CANCEL the current draw or tool operation Ctrl + E EDIT THE DESCRIPTION of selected layers when the Control Center is active Display options --------------- Ctrl + 3 Show 3D View Window Ctrl + Maj + D Toggle Display of DELETED Features Maj + G Toggle GRID Line Display On and Off Maj + L Toggle Elevation LEGEND Display On and Off Maj + S Toggle Distance SCALE Display On and Off Ctrl + P PRINT the Current Map View Maj + V Toggle Line & Area VERTEX Display On and Off Ctrl + Alt + Maj + V Toggle VECTOR LAYER Display On and Off Zooming and panning ------------------- Debut Zoom to the Full EXTENTS of All Loaded Data Ctrl + Debut Center on a Location Ctrl + Clic droit Restore the LAST ZOOMED VIEW (Zoom tool only) Pg Suiv Zoom In Ctrl + Pg Suiv Zoom In a Tiny bit Pg Préc ZOOM OUT Ctrl + Pg Préc ZOOM OUT a TINY bit Touches directionnelles PAN the Map Display 1/4 of Screen Maj + Touches directionnelles PAN the Map Display 1/2 of Screen Ctrl + Touches directionnelles PAN the Map Display an Entire Screen Alt + R SAVE the Current view Ctrl + R RESTORE Last SAVED View Ctrl + Retour Arrière RESTORE Last DRAWN View Maj + Z ZOOM to SCALE Ctrl + 1 ZOOM (the Raster Layer at the Screen Center) to Full Detail (1:1 PIXEL SIZE) Info tool --------- Alt + P Select the info tool as the current tool P Toggle only selecting point features Clic droit Cycle through the features at the clicked location Ctrl Display feature info and ignore alternate link options Digitizer / Edit tool operations -------------------------------- Ctrl + Z UNDO the last operation, if possible (example: when digitizing new features) Suppr MARK the selected feature(s) AS DELETED Ctrl + Suppr DELETE the selected vertice(s) Maj + Suppr UNDELETE the selected feature(s) Double clic EDIT FEATURE under cursor Ctrl + Alt + M MEASURE the cut-and-fill VOLUME of the currently selected line or area feature Ctrl + N Cycle through non-connected line endpoints (end-NODES) Maj + T Create new line (TRACE mode) Draw shapes ----------- Maj Causes the shape to be ELLIPTICAL or RECTANGULAR rather than the default of circular or square T + Clic gauche Causes shapes to be ANCHORED at the CENTER OF SHAPE rather than the top left of shape Snapping -------- Alt + Clic gauche DISABLE automatic SNAPPING behavior V + Clic gauche ONLY snap to EXISTING VERTICES/ FEATURES Select features --------------- Ctrl + Clic gauche ADD/ APPEND selected features to cached selection Maj + Clic gauche REMOVE selected features from cached selection Ctrl + Maj + Clic gauche Toggle the SELECTION STATE of selected features A + Clic gauche Select only the topmost AREA feature at the clicked location L + Clic gauche Select only the topmost LINE feature at the clicked location P + Clic gauche Select only the topmost POINT feature at the clicked location Alt + Clic gauche Automatically enter MOVE mode for selected feature(s) after selection I + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris (drag box) Only select FEATURES that are completely CONTAINED WITHIN the drag box S + Clic gauche (or drag box) Only select VERTICES from line or area features that are ALREADY SELECTED Insert vertices --------------- Maj + Clic gauche New vertex will be inserted at NEAREST LOCATION to clicked location on selected feature rather than at click location I + Clic gauche STAY IN VERTEX INSERT MODE after inserting vertex. Useful if needing to insert multiple vertices Move features and vertices -------------------------- X Clamp (restrict) movement of features/ vertices to the HORIZONTAL axis Maj Clamp (restrict) movement of features/ vertices to the HORIZONTAL axis Y Clamp (restrict) movement of features/ vertices to the VERTICAL axis Ctrl Clamp (restrict) movement of features/ vertices to the VERTICAL axis Ctrl + Maj Clamp (restrict) movement of features/ vertices to the DIAGONAL axis R Toggles clamped movement to RIGHT-ANGLES from direction of last drawn segment Ctrl + Maj + M MOVE the selected features Alt + Clic gauche Automatically enter MOVE MODE for selected feature(s) after selection J + Clic gauche Automatically enter JOIN MODE if more than one vertex is selected Image rectification window -------------------------- Alt + Clic gauche DISABLE AUTOMATIC SNAP-to-nearest-feature functionality Maj + Clic gauche (click on Reference Image) ROUND the clicked location to nearest 30 seconds for arc degree units or nearest 1000 ground units for linear measurements (like meters and feet) Maj + Clic gauche (Zoomed View) Automatically ADD CLICKED POINT to GCP list (simulate press of 'Add GCP to List' button) Ctrl + S Save the current CONTROL POINT LIST to GCP file Ctrl + Clic droit Zoom out to the ENTIRE EXTENTS of the data being rectified 3D View: Display and Navigation ------------------------------- Ctrl + 3 Open or refresh the 3D view F5 Refresh the 3D view Touches directionnelles Pan 3D view left, right, forward, and back or move in. In Walk mode, Arrow up/down to move into or away from the scene, arrow left/right to rotate the view around the current location. The SHIFT key will cause large moves/ rotations Pg Préc / Suiv Zoom out and in (hold SHIFT for larger move; hold CTRL key for smaller move). In walk mode raise and lowers walk mode height (SHIFT keys modifies reduce or enlarge height increment) Debut Return to default view Num 5 Return to default view Ctrl + Maj + D Return to default view Ctrl + Debut Center the 2D view on the current selection Num 8 Control tilt forward and back. Use the SHIFT and CTRL modifiers to increase/decrease the tilt amount (4x, 1/4x respectively) Num 2 Control tilt forward and back. Use the SHIFT and CTRL modifiers to increase/decrease the tilt amount (4x, 1/4x respectively) Num 4 Control rotation right and left. Use the SHIFT and CTRL : modifiers to increase/decrease the rotation amount (4x, 1/4x respectively) Num 6 Control rotation right and left. Use the SHIFT and CTRL : modifiers to increase/decrease the rotation amount (4x, 1/4x respectively) Num 7 Move up. Use the SHIFT and modifiers to increase/decrease the move amount (4x, 1/4x respectively) Num 9 Move up. Use the SHIFT and modifiers to increase/decrease the move amount (4x, 1/4x respectively) Num 1 Move down. Use the SHIFT and CTRL : modifiers to increase/decrease the move amount (4x, 1/4x respectively) Num 3 Move down. Use the SHIFT and CTRL : modifiers to increase/decrease the move amount (4x, 1/4x respectively) Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Roll to zoom in and out or raise and lower the walk mode height. Click and drag to pan or change the walk mode pitch. Clic gauche Navigate the view. For normal navigation, forward / back movements tilt the scene up or down; left/right movements rotate the view. In Walk mode, forward / back movements move forwards or back in the scene. Left / right movements rotate the view. For all modes, holding down the SHIFT key or the CTRL key increase / decrease the amount of rotation, tilt, or movement, respectively. Clic droit For normal navigation , forward / back movements zoom in or out. For Walk mode, raise and lower walk mode height. For all modes, holding down the SHIFT key or the CTRL key increase / decrease the amount of rotation, tilt, or movement, respectively. 3D View: Advanced Display and Navigation ---------------------------------------- V Locks mouse movement to the vertical plane H Locks mouse movement to the horizontal plane F11 Decreases the field of view by 5 degrees; if CTRL is held down, it decreases by 1 degree, if SHIFT is held down, it decreases by 10 degrees. F12 Increases the field of view by 5 degrees; if CTRL is held down, it increases by 1 degree, if SHIFT is held down, it increases by 10 degrees. Debut Default View. This is the standard view that you get when you open the 3D viewer. Ctrl + Maj + D Default View. This is the standard view that you get when you open the 3D viewer. Ctrl + Maj + T Top View. This is a view from directly above the scene. Ctrl + Maj + U Bottom View. This is a view from directly underneath the scene. Ctrl + Maj + L Left View. This is a view from the left side of the scene. Ctrl + Maj + R Right View. This is a view from the right side of the scene. Use to go to a right view. Ctrl + Maj + F Front View. This is a view from in front of the scene. Use to go to a front view. Ctrl + Maj + B Back View. This is a view from directly behind the scene. 3D View: Snapping to types of Features -------------------------------------- Note: Only one of these modifier keys may be active at a time. P Hold down when Selecting, Digitizing or Measuring to filter to point features A Hold down to filter to area features L Hold down to filter to line features M Hold down to filter to mesh features 3D View: 3D Digitizing and Editing ---------------------------------- Ctrl + Z While digitizing or editing, undoes the last point. Échap While selecting, the Escape key clears the current selection. Échap When digitizing, the Escape key cancels the current digitizing operation, and reverts to selection mode. Échap When measuring, the Escape key cancels the current measurement operation. Entrée When digitizing, the Return key completes the current digitization operation. Entrée When measuring, the Return key completes the current measurement operation. Suppr If there is a current selection available, the selected features are deleted. 3D View: Tools and Settings --------------------------- W Enable or disable wireframe Ctrl + W Enable walk mode Ctrl + Maj + W Enable/ disable water level display T Enable or disable display of textures on meshes M Enable or disable Measure tool D Enable or disable Digitizer tool Ctrl + Maj + D Sets the default view E Resets vertical exaggeration to 1.0 Ctrl + E Lower vertical exaggeration Maj + E Raise vertical exaggeration P Enables / disable pivot axis display Ctrl + P Enables / disables the path profile display, if a path profile is available. Ctrl + G Enables / disables display of GPS tracks Num + Raise/ lower water level if water level display is enabled. Num - Raise/ lower water level if water level display is enabled. Ctrl + B Enables / disables backface culling Ctrl + N Toggle display of vertex normals for meshes Maj + N Toggle display of face normals for meshes N Toggle normal display mode for meshes (vertex normals and face normals) Ctrl + C Copy 3D view image to clipboard Ctrl + Maj + C Copy 3D view image to clipboard without notifications Source: Bluemarblegeo Dernière mise à jour (UTC): jeudi 20 août 2020 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.