============================ GNU Emacs raccourcis clavier ============================ Publié pour la première fois le 09/04/2018 sur https://defkey.com/fr/gnu-emacs-raccourcis-clavier GNU Emacs a 220 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. Files ----- Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + F Read a file into Emacs Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + S Save a file back to disk Ctrl + X puis S Save all files Ctrl + X puis I Insert contents of another file into this buffer Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + V Replace this file with another file Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + W Write buffer to specified file Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + Q Toggle read only status of buffer Leaving Emacs ------------- Ctrl + Z Suspend or iconify Emacs Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + C Exit Emacs completely Help ---- The help system is simple. Type Ctrl + H or F1 and follow the directions. If you are a first time user, type Ctrl + H for a tutorial. Ctrl + X puis 1 Remove help window Ctrl + Méta + V Scroll help window Ctrl + H puis A Show commands matching a string Ctrl + H puis K Describe the function a key runs Ctrl + H puis F Describe a function Ctrl + H puis M Get mode specific information Error recovery -------------- Ctrl + G Abort partially typed or executing command Méta + X then type recover-session to recover files lost by a system crash Ctrl + X puis U Undo an unwanted change Ctrl + _ Undo an unwanted change Ctrl + / Undo an unwanted change Méta + X then type revert-buffer to restore a buffer to its original contents Ctrl + L Redraw garbaged screen Incremental search ------------------ Ctrl + S Search forward Ctrl + R Search backward Ctrl + Méta + S Regular expression search Ctrl + Méta + R Reverse regular expression search Méta + P Select previous search string Méta + N Select next later search string Entrée Exit incremental search Suppr Undo effect of last character Ctrl + G Abort current search Use Ctrl + S or Ctrl + R again to repeat the search in either direction. If Emacs is still searching, Ctrl + G cancels only the part not matched. Motion ------ Ctrl + B Character - backward Ctrl + F Character - forward Méta + B Word - backward Méta + F Word - forward Ctrl + P Line - backward Ctrl + N Line - forward Ctrl + A Go to line beginning Ctrl + E Go to line ending Méta + A Sentence - backward Méta + E Sentence - forward Méta + { Paragraph - backward Méta + } Paragraph - forward Ctrl + X puis [ Page - backward Ctrl + X puis ] Page - forward Ctrl + Méta + B sexp - backward Ctrl + Méta + F sexp - forward Ctrl + Méta + A function - backward Ctrl + Méta + E function - forward Méta + < Go to beginning of buffer Méta + > Go to end of buffer Ctrl + V Scroll to next screen Méta + V Scroll to previous screen Ctrl + X puis < Scroll left Ctrl + X puis > Scroll right Ctrl + L Scroll current line to center, top, bottom Méta + G puis G Go to line Méta + G puis C Go to character Méta + M Back to indentation Killing and deleting -------------------- Suppr Character (delete, not kill) - backward Ctrl + D Character (delete, not kill) - forward Méta + Suppr Word - backward Méta + D Word - forward Méta + 0 puis Ctrl + K Line (to end of) - backward Ctrl + K Line (to end of) - forward Ctrl + X puis Suppr Sentence - backward Méta + K Sentence - forward Méta + - puis Ctrl + Méta + K sexp - backward Ctrl + Méta + K sexp - forward Ctrl + W Kill region Méta + W Copy region to kill ring Méta + Z then press char to kill through next occurence of char Ctrl + Y Yank back last thing killed Méta + Y Replace last yank with previous kill Marking ------- Ctrl + @ Set mark here Ctrl + Espace Set mark here Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + X Exchange point and mark Méta + @ Set mark arg words away Méta + H Mark paragraph Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + P Mark page Ctrl + Méta + @ Mark sexp Ctrl + Méta + H Mark function Ctrl + X puis H Mark entire buffer Query replace ------------- Méta + % puis Méta + X (then query-replace-regexp) Interactively replace a text string using regular expressions Valid responses in query-replace mode are replace, skip, back up and exit. Espace Replace this one, go to next Y Replace this one, go to next Suppr Skip to next without replacing N Skip to next without replacing ! Replace all remaining matches ^ Back up to the previous match Entrée Exit query-replace Ctrl + R Enter recursive edit Ctrl + Méta + C Exit recursive edit Multiple windows ---------------- Ctrl + X puis 1 Delete all other windows Ctrl + X puis 5 puis 1 Delete all other windows (for frame) Ctrl + X puis 2 Split window, above and below Ctrl + + X puis 5 puis 2 Split window, above and below (for frame) Ctrl + X puis 0 Delete this window Ctrl + X puis 5 puis 0 Delete this window (for frame) Ctrl + X puis 3 Split window, side by side Ctrl + Méta + V Scroll other window Ctrl + X puis O Switch cursor to another window Ctrl + X puis 5 puis O Switch cursor to another window (for frame) Ctrl + X puis 4 puis B Select buffer in other window Ctrl + X puis 5 puis B Select buffer in other window (for frame) Ctrl + X puis 4 puis Ctrl + O Display buffer in other window Ctrl + X puis 5 puis Ctrl + O Display buffer in other window (for frame) Ctrl + X puis 4 puis F Find file in other window Ctrl + X puis 5 puis F Find file in other window (for frame) Ctrl + X puis 4 puis R Find file read-only in other window Ctrl + X puis 5 puis R Find file read-only in other window (for frame) Ctrl + X puis 4 puis D Run Dired in other window Ctrl + X puis 5 puis D Run Dired in other window (for frame) Ctrl + X puis 4 puis . Find tag in other window Ctrl + X puis 5 puis . Find tag in other window (for frame) Ctrl + X puis ^ Grow window taller Ctrl + X puis { Shrink window smaller Ctrl + X puis } Grow window wider Formatting ---------- Tab Indent current line (mode-dependent) Ctrl + Méta + \ Indent region (mode-dependent) Ctrl + Méta + Q Indent sexp (mode-dependent) Ctrl + X puis Tab Indent region rigidly arg columns Méta + ; Indent for comment Ctrl + O Insert newline after point Ctrl + Méta + O Move rest of line vertically down Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + O Delete blank lines around point Méta + ^ Join line with previous (with arg, next) Méta + \ Delete all white space around point Méta + Espace Put exactly one space at point Méta + Q Fill paragraph Ctrl + X puis F Set fill column to arg Ctrl + X puis . Prefix each line starts with Méta + O Set face Case change ----------- Méta + U Uppercase word Méta + L Lowercase word Méta + C Capitalize word Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + U Uppercase region Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + L Lowercase region The minibuffer -------------- The following keys are defined in the minibuffer. Tab Complete as much as possible Espace Complete up to one word Entrée Complete and execute ? Show possible completions Méta + P Fetch previous minibuffer input Méta + N Fetch later minibuffer input or default Méta + R Regexp search backward through history Méta + S Regexp search forward through history Ctrl + G Abort command Ctrl + X puis Échap puis Échap Edit and repeat the last command that used the minibuffer F10 Activate menu bar items in text terminals Buffers ------- Ctrl + X puis B Select another buffer Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + B List all buffers Ctrl + X puis K Kill a buffer Transposing ----------- Ctrl + T Transpose characters Méta + T Transpose words Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + T Transpose lines Ctrl + Méta + T Transpose sexps Spelling check -------------- Méta + $ Check spelling of current word Méta + X (then ispell-region) Check spelling of all words in region Méta + X (then ispell-buffer) Check spelling of entire buffer Méta + X (then flyspell-mode) Toggle on-the-fly spell checking Tags ---- Méta + . Find a tag (a definition) Ctrl + U puis Méta + . Find next occurence of a tag Méta + X (then visit-tags-table) Specify new tags file Méta + X (then tags-search) Regexp search on all files in tags table Méta + X (then tags-query-replace) Run query-replace on all the files Méta + , Continue last tags search on query-replace Shells ------ Méta + ! Execute a shell command Méta + & Execute a shell command asynchronously Méta + | Run a shell command on the region Méta + X (then type shell) Start a shell window *shell* Rectangles ---------- Ctrl + X puis R puis R Copy rectangle to register Ctrl + X puis R puis K Kill rectangle Ctrl + X puis R puis Y Yank rectangle Ctrl + X puis R puis O Open rectangle, shifting text right Ctrl + X puis R puis C Black out rectangle Ctrl + X puis R puis T Prefix each line with string Abbrevs ------- Ctrl + X puis A puis G Add global abbrev Ctrl + X puis A puis L Add mode-local abbrev Ctrl + X puis A puis I puis G Add global expansion for this abbrev Ctrl + X puis A puis I puis L Add mode-local expansion for this abbrev Ctrl + X puis A puis E Explicitly expand abbrev Méta + / Expand previous word dynamically Miscellaneous ------------- Ctrl + U puis [Num 0 - 9] Numeric argument Méta + - Negative argument Ctrl + Q then char: Quoted insert International character sets ---------------------------- Ctrl + \ Enable or disable input method Info ---- Ctrl + H puis I Enter the Info documentation reader Ctrl + H puis S Find specified function or variable in Info Espace Scroll forward Suppr Scroll reverse B Beginning of node N Go to next node P Go to previous node U Move up M Select menu item by name [Num 1 - 9] Select menu item by number F Follow cross reference (return with 1) L Return to last node you saw D Return to directory node T Go to top node of Info file G Go to any node by name H Run info tutorial I Look up a subject in the indices S Search nodes for regexp Q Quit Info Registers --------- Ctrl + X puis R puis S Save region in register Ctrl + X puis R puis I Insert register contents into buffer Ctrl + X puis R puis Espace Save value of point in register Ctrl + X puis R puis J Jump to point saved in register Keyboard macros --------------- Ctrl + X puis ( Start defining a keyboard macro Ctrl + X puis ) End keyboard macro definition Ctrl + X puis E Eappend to last keyboard macro Méta + X (then name-last-kbd-macro) name last keyboard macro Méta + X (then insert-kbd-macro) Instert Lisp definition in buffer Dealing with Emacs Lisp ----------------------- Ctrl + X puis Ctrl + E Eval sexp before point Ctrl + Méta + X Eval current defun Méta + X (then eval-region) Eval region Méta + : Read and eval minibuffer Méta + X (then load-library) load a Lisp library from load-path Simple customization -------------------- Méta + X (then customize) Customize variables and faces Source: GNU Emacs refcard Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.