=========================== KompoZer raccourcis clavier =========================== Publié pour la première fois le 06/02/2018 sur https://defkey.com/fr/kompozer-raccourcis-clavier KompoZer a 61 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. General ------- Ctrl + O Open File Ctrl + N Open New Page/Template Ctrl + T Open New Tab Ctrl + S Save File Ctrl + C Copy Ctrl + V Paste Ctrl + X Cut Ctrl + A Select All Ctrl + W Close Window Ctrl + Suppr Delete Next Word Pg Préc Go Up One Page Pg Suiv Go Down One Page Flèche vers le haut Go Up One Line Flèche vers le bas Go Down One Line Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Maj + Z Redo Ctrl + F Find Ctrl + G Find Again F3 Find Again Ctrl + Maj + F Find Previous Maj + F10 Open Context Menu Ctrl + Espace Open Context Menu F10 (Controlled through keyboard preference in Control Panel) Open Main Menu (switches to the first drop-down menu at the top of the window) Debut + Flèche gauche Move to beginning of line (in a text editing field) Ctrl + A Move to beginning of line (in a text editing field) End + Flèche droite Move to end of line (in a text editing field) Ctrl + E Move to end of line (in a text editing field) Ctrl + Pg Suiv Switch to Next Tab (when using Tabbed Browsing with more than one tab) Ctrl + Pg Préc Switch to Previous Tab (when using Tabbed Browsing with more than one tab) Ctrl + W Close Tab Ctrl + Q Exit KompoZer Composition shortcuts --------------------- Ctrl + Maj + L Open Web Location Ctrl + Maj + S Publish Ctrl + - Text Zoom - Smaller Ctrl + + Text Zoom - Larger Ctrl + O Text Zoom - 100% Ctrl + L Insert/Edit Link Ctrl + B Text style Bold Ctrl + I Text style Italic Ctrl + U Text style Underline Ctrl + [ Increase Indent Ctrl + ] Decrease Indent Ctrl + Maj + Y Discontinue Text Styles Ctrl + Maj + K Discontinue Link Ctrl + Déplacer la souris Select Row/Column Ctrl + Flèche gauche (drag to select block of cells, or continue clicking to select individual cells) Select Cells(s) F9 Site Manager Ctrl + K Start Spell Check Help window ----------- Tab Navigate Links within Content Pane (right pane) F9 Toggle the visibility of Sidebar Ctrl + = Increase Text Size Ctrl + Maj + + Increase Text Size Ctrl + - Decrease Text Size F6 Switch between Content Pane and Search/Contents/Index/Glossary (toggle) Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Navigate Index Terms (while Index Pane is selected) Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Scroll Pane (Content, Table of Contents, or Index) Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Expand/Collapse Table of Contents Tree Structure Ctrl + P Print Page Alt + Flèche gauche Go Back to Previous Page Alt + Flèche droite Go Forward One Page Ctrl + W Close KompoZer Help Window Dernière mise à jour (UTC): dimanche 15 janvier 2023 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.