================================= Logic Pro 10.6 raccourcis clavier ================================= Publié pour la première fois le 03/03/2021 sur https://defkey.com/fr/logic-pro-10-raccourcis-clavier Logic Pro 10.6 a 179 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. General ------- R Record Option + R Record into cell * Record/record toggle Cmd + . Discard recording and return to last play position Maj + R (in Show Advanced Tools) capture as recording Entrée Play . Pause 0 Stop Espace Play or stop Option + _ Preview selection-based processing , Rewind V Forward Maj + , Fast rewind Maj + . Fast forward Control + . Forward by transient Control + , Rewind by transient Maj + Entrée (in Show Advanced Tools) Play from left window edge Z Go to position Control + Option + Cmd + I Set punch in locator by playhead Control + Option + Maj + Cmd + I Set punch in locator by rounded playhead Control + Option + Cmd + O Set punch out locator by playhead Control + Option + Maj + Cmd + O Set punch out locator point by rounded playhead Cmd + U Set locators by regions/events/marquee and enable cycle U (in Show Advanced Tools) set rounded locators by regions/events and enable cycle Maj + Espace Play from selection = Swap left and right locator Maj + Cmd + . Move locators forward by cycle length Maj + Cmd + , Move locators backwards by cycle length Control + Debut (in Show Advanced Tools) go to selection start Control + End (in Show Advanced Tools) go to selection end Option + Entrée Go to end of last region Entrée Go to beginning Option + ’ Create marker Control + Option + ’ Create marker without rounding Option + Maj + ’ Create marker for selected regions Option + Retour Arrière Delete marker Control + Option + C Set locators by marker and enable cycle Control + Option + , Set locators by previous marker and enable cycle Control + Option + . Set locators by next marker and enable cycle Option + , Go to previous marker and set locators Option + . Go to next marker and set locators Option + / Go to marker number Maj + ' Rename marker 1 Go to marker number 1 2 Go to marker number 2 3 Go to marker number 3 4 Go to marker number 4 5 Go to marker number 5 6 Go to marker number 6 7 Go to marker number 7 8 Go to marker number 8 9 Go to marker number 9 Control + 0 Go to marker number 10 Control + 1 Go to marker number 11 Control + 2 Go to marker number 12 Control + 3 Go to marker number 13 Control + 4 Go to marker number 14 Control + 5 Go to marker number 15 Control + 6 Go to marker number 16 Control + 7 Go to marker number 17 Control + 8 Go to marker number 18 Control + 9 Go to marker number 19 C Cycle mode Option + Maj + Cmd + . Double cycle/loop length Option + Maj + Cmd + , Halve cycle/loop length Control + Option + Cmd + P (in Show Advanced Tools) Autopunch mode / Replace Control + S Solo mode Option + S Set solo lock mode Option + Maj + S Reselect solo-locked regions Control + Option + Cmd + S Clear/recall solo Control + Maj + M Mute off for all Control + C Cycle audition on/off K Midi/monitor metronome click Maj + K Count in 1 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 1 2 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 2 3 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 3 4 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 4 5 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 5 6 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 6 7 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 7 8 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 8 9 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 9 Control + 1 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 1x Control + 2 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 2x Control + 3 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 3x Control + 4 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 4x Control + 5 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 5x Control + 6 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 6x Control + 7 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 7x Control + 8 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 8x Control + 9 (in Show Advanced Tools) Recall screenset 9x Option + Maj + R (in Show Advanced Tools) Region inspector float Cmd + , Open preferences Option + A (in Show Advanced Tools) Open automation preferences Cmd + 7 (in Show Advanced Tools) Open event list Cmd + 1 Open main window Cmd + 2 (in Show Advanced Tools) Open mixer Cmd + 3 (in Show Advanced Tools) Open smart controls Cmd + 5 (in Show Advanced Tools) Open score editor Cmd + 9 (in Show Advanced Tools) Open transform Cmd + 4 (in Show Advanced Tools) Open piano roll Cmd + 0 (in Show Advanced Tools) Open environment Cmd + 8 (in Show Advanced Tools) Open project audio Control + Option + Entrée Note repeat Control + Option + Retour Arrière Spot erase Cmd + 6 (in Show Advanced Tools) open audio file editor Cmd + K Show/hide musical typing Option + E (in Show Advanced Tools) show/hide event float X Show/hide mixer B Show/hide smart controls N Show/hide score editor Control + Option + Maj + S (in Show Advanced Tools) Show/hide staff style window Control + Option + Maj + I (in Show Advanced Tools) Show/hide score sets window P Show/hide piano roll Option + Cmd + K (in Show Advanced Tools) Show/hide step input keyboard O Show/hide loop browser Y Show/hide library W (in Show Advanced Tools) Show/hide audio file editor Maj + / Show/hide quick help Cmd + / Show detailed help Maj + W (in Show Advanced Tools) Open in external sample editor Option + Maj + T (in Show Advanced Tools) Open tempo list Option + K (in Show Advanced Tools) Open key commands Option + C Show/hide colors Control + Cmd + F Enter/exit full screen Option + Cmd + O Open movie Control + Cmd + O Toggle current track automation off/read Control + Cmd + A Toggle current track automation latch/read Control + Maj + Cmd + O Set all tracks to automation off Control + Maj + Cmd + R Set all tracks to automation read Control + Maj + Cmd + T Set all tracks to automation touch Control + Maj + Cmd + L Set all tracks to automation latch Control + Cmd + E Track automation event list Control + Option + Cmd + A (in Show Advanced Tools) Toggle automation quick access Maj + G (in Show Advanced Tools) Enable/disable automation groups Option + Maj + G (in Show Advanced Tools) Open group settings Cmd + W Close window Cmd + ` Cycle through windows Maj + Cmd + ` Cycle through windows (counter clockwise) Flèche vers le haut Select previous track Flèche vers le bas Select next track Maj + Cmd + N (in Show Advanced Tools) New empty project Cmd + N New from template Cmd + O Open Option + P Project settings Option + Cmd + W Close project Cmd + S Save Maj + Cmd + S Save project as Cmd + P Print Cmd + I (in Show Advanced Tools) Import Option + Cmd + E Export selection as midi file Cmd + E (in Show Advanced Tools) Export track as audio file Maj + Cmd + E (in Show Advanced Tools) Export all tracks as audio files Option + Cmd + M Zoom window Maj + Cmd + I Import audio file Maj + ] Next channel strip setting of focused track Maj + [ Previous channel strip setting of focused track Option + Cmd + C Copy channel strip setting Option + Cmd + V Paste channel strip setting ] Next patch, plug-in setting or sampler instrument [ Previous patch, plug-in setting or sampler instrument M Toggle channel strip mute S Toggle channel strip solo Control + I Toggle channel strip input monitoring Control + Maj + S Toggle channel strip format (mono/stereo) V Show/hide all plug-in windows Control + Option + M Set nudge value to bar Control + Option + B Set nudge value to beat Control + Option + D Set nudge value to division Control + Option + T Set nudge value to tick Control + Option + F Set nudge value to smpte frame Control + Option + H Set nudge value to 0.5 smpte frame Control + Option + S Set nudge value to sample Control + Option + 1 Set nudge value to 1 ms Control + Option + 0 Set nudge value to 10 ms Cmd + Entrée Stop all cells Control + Option + Maj + T Toggle activation of all tracks Source: Apple Dernière mise à jour (UTC): mercredi 3 mars 2021 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.