========================== Scribus raccourcis clavier ========================== Publié pour la première fois le 23/03/2022 sur https://defkey.com/fr/scribus-raccourcis-clavier Scribus a 100 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. Interface Actions ----------------- F1 Display the Help Manual F2 Toggle display of the Properties Palette F3 Toggle display of the Style Manager F6 Toggle display of the Layers Manager Touche du menu contextuel Display the Context Menu File Actions ------------ Ctrl + N Create a new document Ctrl + Alt + N Create a new document from a Template Ctrl + O Open an existing document Ctrl + F4 Close the current document Ctrl + S Save the current document Ctrl + Maj + S Save the current document with a different name Ctrl + Alt + S Save the current document as a Template Ctrl + Alt + P Print Preview Ctrl + P Print the current document Ctrl + Maj + E Export the document (or page) as an image Ctrl + Q Quit Scribus Edit Actions ------------ Ctrl + C Copy Ctrl + X Cut Ctrl + V Paste Ctrl + Z Undo last action Ctrl + Y Redo last undone action Ctrl + A Select All Ctrl + Alt + A Advanced Select All Ctrl + Maj + A Deselect All R Rotate the currently selected item (drag to rotate) Some interesting things about the Copy, Cut, and Paste functions is that they do not just apply to text. If you copy an object, like a text frame, image frame, or shape for example, you can then paste these on another page, and it will be placed with the same X-Pos, Y-pos it had in the original location. You can also use graphics inside a body of text, something called inline graphics, if you paste while in Edit Contents mode in the text frame. Weirder still is that you can copy/cut and paste a text frame that might include inline graphics as inline graphics itself. Related Mouse Actions Ctrl Constrain angle to 15 degree steps while rotating Item Actions ------------ Suppr Delete selected object(s) Flèche gauche Delete selected object(s) Ctrl + K Delete selected object(s) Ctrl + D Duplicate selected object(s) Ctrl + Maj + D Duplicate selected object(s) multiple times Ctrl + G Group multiple objects together Ctrl + Maj + G Ungroup objects Debut Raise object to the highest level Ctrl + Debut Raise object to the next level up Ctrl + End Lower object to the next level down End Lower object to the lowest level Ctrl + L Toggle the locking of the currently selected object Ctrl + Maj + L Toggle the locking of the size of the currently selected object Related Mouse Actions Ctrl Constrain object to vertical/horizontal axis after dragging has started Ctrl Resize proportionally after dragging by a handle has started Maj + Clic gauche Add object to selection set Ctrl + Clic gauche Select object on next level down under currently selected object Ctrl + Maj + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Move object under the currently selected object Text Actions ------------ T Insert new text frame E Edit text frame contents (inline editing) Ctrl + T Edit text frame contents with the Story Editor Ctrl + I Import text from external file N Link text frame to another text frame U Unlink text frame from other text frames Ctrl + F Search (and Replace) text Maj + F7 Spellcheck Related Mouse Actions Ctrl + Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Scroll list of fonts in font drop-down list a page at a time Inline Text Editing Mode ------------------------ Maj + Entrée Insert Line Break (start new line without starting a new paragraph) Ctrl + Entrée Insert Frame Break (force text to jump to the next linked frame) Ctrl + Maj + Entrée Insert Column Break (force text to jump to the next column) Ctrl + Flèche vers le haut Move to the start of the current paragraph Ctrl + Flèche vers le bas Move to the end of the current paragraph Ctrl + Pg Préc Move to the start of the current text frame Ctrl + Pg Suiv Move to the end of the current text frame Related Mouse Actions Double clic Select the whole word where double-clicked Ctrl + Double clic Select the whole paragraph where double-clicked Special Characters ------------------ Ctrl + Alt + - Insert non-breaking hyphen Ctrl + Espace Insert non-breaking space Ctrl + Alt + Maj + P Insert page number Ctrl + Maj + - Insert soft (smart) hyphen Ctrl + Maj + U Start special unicode sequence Image Actions ------------- I Insert new image frame Ctrl + I Import image into frame Ctrl + E Change image effects Ctrl + Maj + C Copy image contents Ctrl + Maj + V Paste image contents Ctrl + Alt + Maj + V Paste image contents (absolute location) Y Eyedropper (get colour from image) Alt + Flèche vers le haut Resize image smaller (in image edit mode on free scaling image only) Alt + Flèche vers le bas Resize image larger (in image edit mode on free scaling image only) Related Mouse Actions Double clic On an image frame, enters image editing mode (frame must be set to free scaling first). Graphics Actions ---------------- B Insert new bezier line/curve F Insert new freehand line L Insert new line S Insert new shape (shape defaults to the last shape drawn, or a rectangle if the first shape drawn) P Insert new polygon A Insert new table frame D Insert new render frame (a rendering engine - e.g. LaTeX - must be installed first) Related Mouse Actions Ctrl Constrain angle to 15 degree steps while drawing a line View Actions ------------ Z Zoom to drawn area Ctrl + + Zoom in Ctrl + - Zoom out Ctrl + 1 Zoom to 100% Ctrl + 0 Zoom to fit height of page F11 Toggle display of all guides (including rulers) F12 Toggle display of all palettes (except "Align and Distribute") Ctrl + Maj + R Toggle display of rulers Related Mouse Actions Ctrl + Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Zoom IN or OUT (may not work on OS X). Adjustment Actions ------------------ Touches directionnelles Move selected item(s) by 1 unit in arrow key direction Maj + Touches directionnelles Move selected item(s) by 0.1 units in arrow key direction Ctrl + Touches directionnelles Move selected item(s) by 10 units in arrow key direction Ctrl + Maj + Touches directionnelles Move selected item(s) by 0.01 units in arrow key direction Alt + Touches directionnelles Resize selected item(s) outwards by 1 unit in arrow key direction Alt + Maj + Touches directionnelles Resize selected item(s) inwards by 1 unit in arrow key direction Source: Scribus wiki Dernière mise à jour (UTC): mercredi 23 mars 2022 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.