========================= Sketch raccourcis clavier ========================= Publié pour la première fois le 12/11/2018 sur https://defkey.com/fr/sketch-raccourcis-clavier Sketch a 127 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. Zooming and navigating ---------------------- Espace + Déplacer la souris + Clic gauche Pan Canvas Cmd + + Zoom in Cmd + - Zoom out Cmd + 0 Zoom to 100% Cmd + 1 Zoom to all elements on Canvas Cmd + 2 Zoom to selected layer(s) Cmd + 3 Center selected layer(s) in the Canvas Z + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Zoom to area Cmd + . Enter presentation mode Fn + Flèche droite Select next Artboard Fn + Flèche gauche Select previous Artboard Fn + Flèche vers le haut Previous page Fn + Flèche vers le bas Next page Inserting layers ---------------- R Rectangle O Oval T Text tool A Artboard tool S Slice tool Maj + Cmd + V Paste over selection Option + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris When inserting a layer, draw shape from center Maj + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris When inserting a layer, lock ratio of shape Espace + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Move newly drawn layer before confirming it Selecting layers ---------------- Option + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Selects layer within drag bounds Double clic (double click layer) Select grouped layer Cmd + Clic gauche (click layer) Select layer within group Option + Clic gauche (click layer) Select an obscured layer Maj + Cmd + A Select all Artboards Maj + Clic gauche Add layer to selection/deselect layer in Canvas Maj + Cmd + Clic gauche Add layer from group to selection in Canvas Tab Select next layer in group Maj + Tab Select previous layer in group Entrée Selects layer inside group Échap Selects parent group Moving and resizing layers -------------------------- Option + Déplacer la souris (hover mouse) Display distance between other layers Option (resize while holding) Resize from center Maj (resize while holding) Constrain proportions Cmd + D Duplicate Option + Déplacer la souris + Clic gauche Duplicate Maj + Déplacer la souris + Clic gauche Constrain move Cmd + Déplacer la souris + Clic gauche Disable smart guides Option + Cmd + Déplacer la souris + Clic gauche Lock drag to selection Touches directionnelles Nudge position by 1px Maj + Touches directionnelles Nudge position by 10px Cmd + Flèche droite Expand by 1 px Cmd + Flèche vers le bas Expand by 1 px Cmd + Flèche gauche Contract by 1 px Cmd + Flèche vers le haut Contract by 1 px Maj + Cmd + Flèche droite Expand by 10 px Maj + Cmd + Flèche vers le bas Expand by 10 px Maj + Cmd + Flèche gauche Contract by 10 px Maj + Cmd + Flèche vers le haut Contract by 10 px Maj + K Scale layer Editing layers -------------- Entrée Edit layer Échap Finish editing Option + Cmd + C Copy style Option + Cmd + V Paste style F Toggle fill B Toggle border Control + C Activate color picker [0 - 9] Set layer opacity Ctrl + Cmd + M Use as mask Cmd + Échap Return to instance Suppr Delete layer Text editing ------------ Option + Maj + Cmd + V Paste as rich text Option + Cmd + + Increase font size Option + Cmd + - Decrease font size Control + Option + L Increase character spacing Control + Option + T Decrease character spacing Shif + tCommand + { Align left Maj + Cmd + | Align center Maj + Cmd + } Align right Maj + Cmd + O Convert to outlines Maj + Entrée Insert a line break Arranging layers ---------------- Cmd + G Group selection Cmd + R Rename layer Maj + Cmd + G Ungroup Option + Cmd + Flèche vers le haut Bring forward Ctrl + Option + Cmd + Flèche vers le haut Bring to front Option + Cmd + Flèche vers le bas Send backward Ctrl + Option + Cmd + Flèche vers le bas Send to back Option + Maj + Cmd + Flèche vers le haut Move up out of group/artboard Ctrl + Cmd + H Distribute horizontally Ctrl + Cmd + V Distribute vertically Option + Clic gauche (click Align buttons) Align layer to Artboard Maj + Cmd + H Hide/show layer Maj + Cmd + L Lock/unlock layer Exporting layers ---------------- Maj + Cmd + E Export layer Déplacer la souris + Clic gauche (Drag a layer/thumbnail to Desktop) Export asset Déplacer la souris + Clic gauche (Drag a layer/thumbnail to Canvas) Insert flattened duplicate / (in layer name) Include folder in export Display ------- Cmd + . Toggle Presentation mode (hides everything except the canvas) Control + Cmd + F Toggle full-screen mode Cmd + M Minimize window Option + Cmd + T Toggle toolbar visibility Option + Cmd + 1 Toggle Layer List visibility Option + Cmd + 2 Toggle Inspector visibility Option + Cmd + 3 Toggle Layer List and Inspector visibility General ------- Cmd + S Save document. Once you save your Sketch document, Mac will auto-save the file continuously. This can be turned off from Sketch > Preferences > General or Cmd + , Cmd + Option + Maj + S Save document copy as Cmd + F Find layer by name Cmd + C Copy layer Cmd + V Paste layer Clic gauche + Cmd + Maj + V Paste in place Option + Cmd + C Copy layer style Option + Cmd + V Paste layer style Cmd + , Open Preferences window Spell checker and dictation --------------------------- Entrée Text edit mode Double clic (double click on text layer) Text edit mode Cmd + ; Check spelling. Use this shortcut multiple time to check spelling of each word. Misspelled words will be shown as highlighted Maj + Cmd + ; Show spelling and grammar pane (in text edit mode) Fn puis Fn In text edit mode, you can dictate text instead of typing. This requires downloading "Enhanced Dictation" whichis about 1,2GB Symbols -------   Symbols allows you to reuse elements easily between Artboards and Pages. Cmd + Maj + C Create Symbols (Custom Shortcut) Clic gauche + Entrée Go to Master Symbol Cmd + Échap Return to Last Symbol Instance Fn + Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Next or Previous Page. If you Choose to Send Symbol to "Symbols" Page, you can use these shortcuts to navigate between your Pages Vector points ------------- V Vector tool Maj (hold) Draw Straight Lines. With the active Vector Tool, you can create a new point aligned at 45° angles to the previous point 1 Straight line 2 Mirrored 3 Disconnected 4 Asymmetric Entrée Shape Edit Mode Double clic Shape Edit Mode Maj + Clic gauche Select Multiple Points Tab Next Point Alt Show Only Selected Point Cmd (hold) Snap to Middle Point. Click on a line between two points, Sketch will insert the point exactly in the middle of the line Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.