=========================== TextMate raccourcis clavier =========================== Publié pour la première fois le 22/12/2018 sur https://defkey.com/fr/textmate-raccourcis-clavier TextMate a 120 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. General ------- Cmd + N New Control + Cmd + N New project Cmd + O Open Cmd + S Save Maj + Cmd + S Save as Option + Cmd + S Save all Control + Cmd + S Save project Control + Maj + Cmd + S Save project as Control + Cmd + R Reveal in project Cmd + P Print Cmd + ? Help Cmd + Z Undo Maj + Cmd + Z Redo Cmd + X Cut Cmd + C Copy Cmd + V Paste Control + Cmd + V Paste without re-indenting Maj + Cmd + V Paste previous Control + Option + Cmd + V Paste from the clipboard history Cmd + Maj + D Duplicate line / selection Option + Cmd + E Freehand editing Option + Cmd + O Overwrite mode Control + W Select word Maj + Cmd + L Select line Maj + Cmd + B Select enclosing brackets Control + Option + B Select current scope Cmd + A Select all Échap Completion Cmd + F Find Maj + Cmd + F Find in project Cmd + G Find next Maj + Cmd + G Find previous Control + Cmd + F Replace all Control + Maj + Cmd + F Replace all in selection Option + Cmd + F Replace & find Cmd + E Use selection for find Maj + Cmd + E Use selection for replace Cmd + J Jump to selection Cmd + : Spelling Cmd + ; Check spelling Option + Cmd + ; Check spelling as you type Option + Cmd + T Special characters Cmd + + Bigger font Cmd + - Smaller font Option + Cmd + B Show / hide bookmarks Option + Cmd + L Show / hide line numbers Control + Option + Cmd + D Show / hide project drawer Option + Cmd + W Soft wrap Option + Cmd + I Show / hide invisibles F1 Fold current block Control + U Convert to uppercase Control + Maj + U Convert to lowercase Control + Option + U Convert to title case Control + G Convert to opposite case Control + Cmd + Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Move line up / down Control + Cmd + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Move column left / right Option + Tab Shift left Cmd + [ Shift left Option + BackTab Shift right Cmd + ] Shift right Option + Cmd + [ Indent line Option + Cmd + A Edit each line in selection Control + Q Reformat paragraph Control + J Reformat and justify Control + Option + Q Unwrap paragraph Control + R Execute line inserting result Option + Cmd + R Filter through command Cmd + F2 Add / remove bookmark F2 Go to next bookmark Maj + F2 Go to previous bookmark Option + Cmd + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Navigate tabs Option + Cmd + Flèche vers le haut Go to header / source Cmd + T Go to file Maj + Cmd + T Go to symbol Control + Option + Cmd + Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Scroll line up / down Control + Option + Cmd + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Scroll column left / right Cmd + L Go to line Maj + Cmd + J Go to middle visible line F5 Sort lines Control + Maj + N Statistics for document / selection Control + Cmd + T Select bundle item Control + Échap Open bundle menu Control + Option + Cmd + P Show web preview Source ------ Cmd + / Comment line / selection Control + ] Lookup definition (ctags) Control + " Toggle single / double string quotes Cmd + " Escaped double quotes: \"…\" Option + Cmd + " Escaped single quotes: \'…\' Control + Maj + B Insert comment banner Entrée Continue line comment Cmd + Entrée Move to end of line and insert LF (line feed) Option + Cmd + Entrée Move to end of line and insert ; Maj + Cmd + Entrée Move to End of line and Inser ; + LF Move to End of line and Insert ; + LF(line feed) Cmd + Entrée Newline: \n Control + Maj + Cmd + T Convert spaces to tabs Control + Maj + H Convert source to HTML Control + Option + Cmd + P View source as HTML Apache ------ Ctrl + H Search on apache.org HTML ---- Control + H Documentation Control + Maj + V Validate Control + Maj + H Tidy Cmd + R Refresh browser Cmd + & Convert to entities / URL escapes Control + < Insert open / close tag Option + Cmd + . Insert close tag Control + Maj + W Wrap selection in open / close tag Control + Maj + Cmd + W Wrap each selected line in tag Control + Maj + L Wrap selection as link Option + Espace Non breaking space Control + Entrée br Cmd + B Strong Cmd + I Emphasize JavaScript ---------- Control + H Documentation CSS --- Control + H Documentation Control + Maj + V Validate Control + Option + Cmd + P Preview PHP --- Control + H Documentation Control + Maj + V Validate Entrée Continue block comment Maj + Cmd + R Run Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.