========================================== Total War: Attila (Mac) raccourcis clavier ========================================== Publié pour la première fois le 02/10/2018 sur https://defkey.com/fr/total-war-attila-mac-raccourcis-clavier Total War: Attila (Mac) a 116 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. Universal --------- Option + X Toggle sound effects Option + M Toggle music Cmd + A Select all Control + A Select all . Select next , Select previous Retour Arrière Cancel order Control + Q Voice chat F5 Standard ping Y Show chat Échap Hide chat Camera ------ Num 8 Move forward fast V Rotate up Num + Rotate up X Camera up Num * Camera up Z Camera down Num / Camera down Pg Préc Accelerate Pg Suiv Decelerate Q Rotate left Num 4 Rotate left E Rotate right Num 6 Rotate right A Scroll left Num 1 Scroll left D Scroll right Num 3 Scroll right W Scroll forward Num 5 Scroll forward S Scroll backwards Num 2 Scroll backwards Maj + Pg Préc Increase camera rotation Maj + Pg Suiv Decrease camera rotation N Intelligent zoom Fn Cinematic mode Suppr Cinematic camera Tab Show tactical map Campaign map ------------ 1 Details 2 View / Overview 3 Recruit forces for city, units for army / navy 4 Recruit agents for city, mercanaries for army 5 Show faction 6 Show objectives 7 Show finance & trade 8 Show technologies 9 Show diplomacy Entrée End turn Num Entrée End turn Espace Toggle move speed Ctrl + P Disband selection Cmd + S Quick save Control + S Quick save Cmd + L Quick load Control + L Quick load Cmd + M Auto-merge units Control + M Auto-merge units Debut Go to capital Debut Go to capital End Default camera rotation Tab Show strategic map Battles: Unit / group --------------------- Option + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Drag units Maj + Clic gauche Draw path for units Cmd + Clic gauche Change direction units are facing G Toggle group Cmd + G Toggle locked group Control + G Toggle locked group F Toggle melee mode R Toggle run / walk End Pan to unit Cmd + 0 Create unit group 10 0 Select unit group 10 Cmd + 1 Create unit group 1 1 Select unit group 1 Cmd + 2 Create unit group 2 2 Select unit group 2 Cmd + 3 Create unit group 3 3 Select unit group 3 Cmd + 4 Create unit group 4 4 Select unit group 4 Cmd + 5 Create unit group 5 5 Select unit group 5 Cmd + 6 Create unit group 6 6 Select unit group 6 Cmd + 7 Create unit group 7 7 Select unit group 7 Cmd + 8 Create unit group 8 8 Select unit group 8 Cmd + 9 Create unit group 9 9 Select unit group 9 J About face Cmd + Flèche vers le haut Increase rank Control + Flèche vers le haut Increase rank Cmd + Flèche vers le bas Increase file Control + Flèche vers le bas Increase file Flèche vers le bas Step backwards Flèche vers le haut Step forward Option + Flèche gauche Both rotate left Option + Flèche droite Both rotate right Flèche gauche Strafe unit left Flèche droite Strafe unit right B Naval attack mode Selection --------- Cmd + B Select all artillery Cmd + I Select all infantry melee units Cmd + C Select all cavalry Cmd + M Select all infantry missile units Entrée Deselect all Debut Home Game / UI --------- T Cycle battle speed Espace Show unit orders O Toggle radar visibility U Toggle unit cards visibility I Toggle unit formation K Toggle UI visibility P Toggle pause Option + K Cinematic Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.