================================ UVLayout 2.11 raccourcis clavier ================================ Publié pour la première fois le 06/08/2020 sur https://defkey.com/fr/uvlayout-2-11-raccourcis-clavier UVLayout 2.11 a 150 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. General ------- Clic gauche Rotate view Touches directionnelles Rotate by 30 degrees Clic du milieu Pan Clic droit Zoom Clic gauche + Clic du milieu Zoom Molette de la souris vers le haut et la roue vers le bas Zoom Ctrl + Z Undo O Toggle ortho/perspective projection Num 5 Focus view onto polys under mouse pointer Debut Focus view onto polys under mouse pointer . Focus view onto polys under mouse pointer End Focus view on shell under mouse pointer , Focus view on shell under mouse pointer G Mark paint polys G puis G Mark fill polys Ctrl + G Mark fill polys Maj + G Unmark paint Maj + G puis Maj + G Unmark fill Ctrl + Maj + G Unmark fill H Hide polys menu > Auto save to UVL file *G menu When you press the G key, a menu of extra options appears towards the bottom of the graphics window. Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Click'n'drag the mouse to stretch a box over polys you want to mark Clic droit + Déplacer la souris Click'n'drag the rightclick to stretch a box over polys you want to unmark F Mark polys facing the camera within a 100 degree arc Maj + F Mark polys facing the camera within a 180 degree arc H Hide all marked polys P Pin the vertexes of all marked polys Maj + P Unpin the vertexes of all marked polys S Unmark marked polys, and vice versa U Unmark all marked poly - Shrink and grow marked region = Shrink and grow marked region Debut Focus view on marked polys Entrée Make the G menu go away H menu ------ When you press the H key, a menu of extra options appears towards the bottom of the graphics window. Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Click'n'drag the mouse to stretch a box over polys you want to hide Clic droit + Déplacer la souris Click'n'drag the mouse to stretch a box; all polys outside are hidden. 1 Hide all flattened polys G Hide all marked polys H Hide other shells P Hide all unpicked shells S Hide all visible polys, and unhide all hidden polys U Make all polys visible Entrée Make the H menu go away UV view ------- U Toggle/set UV edit view 1 Toggle/set UV edit view F Hold down to flatten shell Espace + F Start continuous flatten Espace Stop continuous flatten Maj + F Bloat then reflatten Maj + B Scale up then reflatten Maj + J Randomize UVs B Flatten brush - Change brush size = Change brush size C Cut/weld seam W Cut/weld seam Maj + C Cut tag an entire edge loop C puis C Tag edge loops on distorted geometry Maj + W Toggle weld edges W puis W Toggle weld edges Retour Arrière Unselect weld edges M Magnet snap weld edges, or snap a shell onto its mirror Maj + M Magnet snap weld edges, or snap a shell onto its mirror Entrée Attach/detach shells Maj + D Undrop shell back to Ed space D Place shell underneath other shells L Toggle shell lock T Tag webbing edges Maj + T Toggle webbing edges T puis T Toggle webbing edges Retour Arrière Unselect webbing edges P Toggle pin P puis P Pin between two already pinned boundary points Maj + P If pointer over a boundary point, pin between two already pinned boundary points or show pin box menu Ctrl + P Unpin all points in shell Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Flip shell in U Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Flip shell in V Maj + Touches directionnelles Flip all shells with same flip state as shell under pointer Ctrl + Maj + Touches directionnelles Select all shells with same flip state as shell under pointer Clic gauche Click to pick/unpick single shell Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Click'n'drag to pick multiple shells Clic gauche Click in empty space to unpick all shells ` Toggle tile selection mode Espace + Clic gauche Rotate picked shells or marked polys Espace + Clic du milieu Move picked shells or marked polys Espace + Clic droit Scale picked shells or marked polys Espace + Clic gauche + Clic du milieu Scale picked shells or marked polys Tab Hold down for finer control Ctrl + Clic du milieu Move single point Ctrl + Maj + Clic du milieu Move connected points Maj + Clic du milieu Move points in circle _ Change UV box size (i.e. Shift -/=) + Change UV box size (i.e. Shift -/=) Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Aim pointer at empty space to move UV box in U direction Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Aim pointer at empty space to move UV box in V direction %% Tab Hold down for finer control A Toggle horizontal/vertical snap anchor Maj + A Turn off all anchors in shell Ctrl + Flèche gauche / Flèche droite Aim pointer at edge to rotate shell so edge is horizontal Ctrl + Flèche vers le haut / Flèche vers le bas Arrow aim pointer at edge to rotate shell so edge is vertical I Tag straight edge - axis aligned Maj + I Tag an entire edge loop Retour Arrière Untag edge Ctrl + I On tagged edge - remove all 'I' tagged edges from shell. On untagged edge - 'I' tag all similarly oriented edges K Tag straight edge - unaligned K Toggle kink point Maj + K Tag an entire edge loop Retour Arrière Untag edge Ctrl + K On tagged edge - remove all 'K' tagged edges and points from shell. On untagged edge - 'K' tag all similarly oriented edges R If topology allows, snap quads to an axis aligned grid. Otherwise, snaps boundary to an axis aligned rectangle Maj + R Same as above, but the internal UVs are also aligned When mouse pointer is aimed at shell boundary points: S Toggle stack marker S puis S Straighten between two stack markers Maj + S Straighten between two stack markers When mouse pointer is aimed at shell interior polys: S Copy UVs from light to dark mirror polys Maj + S Swap light and dark mirror polys When Brush Local Scale selected: 4 Scale polys up 5 Scale polys down %% 4 + 5 Reset local scaling When Brush Pin selected: 4 Push UVs out and pin 5 Pull UVs in and pin 6 Smooth UVs and pin 4 + 5 Unpin Ed view ------- E Toggle/set 3D edit view 2 Toggle/set 3D edit view C Cut/weld seam W Cut/weld seam Maj + C Cut/weld extended Maj + W Cut/weld extended Retour Arrière Unselect cut edges Entrée Detach or split shell D Drop shell into UV space Maj + D Reattach shell Maj + S Split shell, or tag symmetry plane R Mark revolved polys suited to rectangular flattening Maj + R Mark adjoined quads suited to grid flattening 3D view ------- 3 Toggle/set 3D texture view C Cut/weld seam W Cut/weld seam Maj + W Toggle weld edges Retour Arrière Unselect weld edges T Cycle through textures - Scale texture =Scale texture Maj + Clic gauche Click to pick/unpick single shell Maj + Clic gauche + Déplacer la souris Click'n'drag to pick multiple shells Maj + Clic gauche Click in empty space to unpick all shells Maj + Clic du milieu Move Trace texture over surface. Must have both a 3D view and a UV view open using split panes S Toggle smooth shading for SUBD surfaces Source: UVLayout user guide (PDF) Dernière mise à jour (UTC): jeudi 6 août 2020 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.