======================================== Worms Armageddon (PC) raccourcis clavier ======================================== Publié pour la première fois le 17/10/2020 sur https://defkey.com/fr/worms-armageddon-raccourcis-clavier Worms Armageddon (PC) a 55 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. Movement -------- Flèche gauche Face worm left Flèche gauche Swing left on Ninja Rope or Bungee Flèche gauche Thrust on Jet Pack Flèche gauche (hold) Move worm left Flèche droite Face worm right Flèche droite Swing right on Ninja Rope or Bungee Flèche droite Thrust right on Jet Pack Flèche droite (hold) Move worm right Flèche vers le haut Decrease Ninja Rope length Flèche vers le haut Thrust upwards on Jet Pack Flèche vers le bas Increase Ninja Rope length Retour Arrière Jump upwards Retour Arrière Flip backwards Entrée Jump forwards Entrée puis Entrée Jump backwards Mouse ----- Clic gauche Select weapon from Weapon Panel (if active) Clic gauche Select weapon target cross-hair (e.g. Air Strike) Clic gauche Select Teleport destination point for Worm Clic gauche Cycle through Girder type selections (if active) Clic gauche Select option from Quit Panel Clic droit Open / Close Weapon Panel Déplacer la souris Scroll / View landscape Weapon controls --------------- Flèche vers le haut Aim weapon upwards Flèche vers le haut Strafe firing weapon upwards (e.g. Mini Gun) Flèche vers le bas Aim weapon downwards Flèche vers le bas Strafe firing weapon downwards (e.g. Mini Gun) Flèche gauche Set incoming strike weapon from left Flèche gauche Steer Super Sheep left Flèche droite Set incoming strike weapon from right Flèche droite Steer Super Sheep right Espace Fire weapon instantly Espace Start / Stop Blow Torch or Drill Espace Release Worm from Ninja Rope or Bungee Espace (hold and release) Increase strength to lengthen weapon firing distance Espace puis Espace (press twice with delay) Fire weapon initially and activate on second press after short duration Espace puis Espace puis Espace (press three times with delay) Fire weapon initially and activate on third press after short durations 1 Set weapon fuse time (if applicable weapon is active) / Set number of Mad Cows for release 2 Set weapon fuse time (if applicable weapon is active) / Set number of Mad Cows for release 3 Set weapon fuse time (if applicable weapon is active) / Set number of Mad Cows for release 4 Set weapon fuse time (if applicable weapon is active) / Set number of Mad Cows for release 5 Set weapon fuse time (if applicable weapon is active) / Set number of Mad Cows for release - Set low bounce (e.g. Grenade) + Set high bounce (e.g. Grenade) Entrée Drop weapon from Ninja Rope, Bungee or Parachute (press again to use if applicable) General ------- Échap Open / Close Quit Panel R Force Action Replay S Force Slow Motion (if Action Replay is active) Tab Cycle through Worms in team Inser Cycle through graphics detail level Debut Centre view on Worm in play Suppr Cycle through Worm name detail level Pg Préc Open Chat Panel (if Network game active) Pg Suiv Close Chat Panel (if Network game active) Suppr + Maj Force Energy Bars Display Espace Force Fast Forward (if Action Replay is active) Source: worms2d.info Dernière mise à jour (UTC): samedi 17 octobre 2020 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.