==================================== Zimbra Web Client raccourcis clavier ==================================== Publié pour la première fois le 25/11/2017 sur https://defkey.com/fr/zimbra-web-client-raccourcis-clavier Zimbra Web Client a 163 raccourcis et nous les avons énumérés ci-dessous. General ------- Espace Select next Ctrl + Flèche vers le haut Focus previous Ctrl + Flèche vers le bas Focus next Maj + Flèche vers le haut Add previous Maj + Flèche vers le bas Add next Ctrl + A Select all Entrée Select Ctrl + Entrée Action menu Ctrl + M Action menu , Action menu < Action menu All apps -------- ` Assistant ~ Assistant G + M Go to mail G + A Go to contacts G + C Go to calendar G + I Go to IM G + N Go to notebook G + T Go to tasks G + P Go to preferences G + B Go to briefcase N New item N + M New message C New message N + L New calendar N + C New contact N + A New appointment N + F New folder N + T New tag N + W Yeni wiki P Print G then 1: Tag #1 U Untag items Alt + Maj + D then 0: Turn off debug Alt + Maj + D then 1: Debug level 1 Alt + Maj + D then 2: Debug level 2 Alt + Maj + D then 3: Debug level 3 Alt + Maj + D then T: Debug timing Mail ---- = Check email I Inbox V + I Inbox V + D Drafts V + J Junk folder V + S Sent V + T Trash canh Entrée Open message E Mark as muted M + R Mark as read Z Mark as read M + U Mark as unread X Mark as unread M + F Toggle flagging messages M + S Mark message as junk . + T Move to trash can R Reply A Reply all F Forward message T Select next item K Select previous item Espace Continue reading [ Go to previous unread message Ğ ] Go to next unread message Ü Maj + ] Last unread message Maj + Ü Maj + [ First unread message Maj + Ğ V + C Chat view V + M Message view M + P + B Bottom reading pane M + P + R Right reading pane M + P + O Close reading pane Q Show snippets N + F New folder Ctrl + Z Undo Chat list view -------------- Flèche droite Expand chat Flèche gauche Collapse chat O Expand / collapse chat Maj + O Expand all chats Ctrl + O Collapse all chats Ctrl + [ Select previous unread message Ctrl + Ğ Ctrl + ] Select next unread message Ctrl + Ü Maj + Ctrl + [ Select first unread message Maj + Ctrl + Ğ Maj + Ctrl + ] Select last unread message Maj + Ctrl + Ü Create ------ Ctrl + Q Show keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + Entrée Send Échap Cancel Ctrl + S Save draft Ctrl + M Add attachment Ctrl + G Search for an address Ctrl + H HTML / text format Alt + X Spell check Address balloon --------------- Suppr Remove selected addresses Retour Arrière Remove selected addresses Flèche droite Select next address Flèche gauche Select previous address Quick reply (only in chat view) ------------------------------- Ctrl + Entrée Send Échap Cancel Chat view --------- Maj + Flèche droite Next chat Maj + Flèche gauche Previous chat Address book ------------ E Edit P + A Print address book Edit contact ------------ Ctrl + S Save Échap Cancel Calendar -------- E Edit appointment Q Create quick appointment R Refresh Y Go to today D Day view 1 Day view W Week view 7 Week view W + W Working week view 5 Working week view M Moon view 3 Moon view L List view 9 List view Échap Close Ctrl + C Copy appointment Ctrl + V Paste appointment Edit appointment ---------------- Ctrl + Q View shortcuts Ctrl + S Save Échap Cancel Ctrl + H HTML / text format Preferences ----------- Ctrl + S Save Tasks ----- M + C Mark as completed M + U Mark as not completed M + P + B Bottom reading pane M + P + R Right reading pane M + P + O Close reading pane . + T Move to trash can Edit task --------- Ctrl + S Save Échap Cancel Tabs view --------- Ctrl + J Go to next tab Alt + Flèche droite Go to next tab Ctrl + K Go to previous tab Alt + Flèche gauche Go to previous tab Alt + 1 ...to 9: Go to specific tab number Dialog boxes ------------ Entrée Save changes Espace Save changes Échap Cancel changes E Reply as "Yes" H Reply as "No" HTML editor ----------- Ctrl + B Bold Ctrl + I Italic Ctrl + Maj + K Strikethrough Ctrl + U Underlined Ctrl + K Add hyperlink dialog box Ctrl + L Align to left Ctrl + R Align to right Ctrl + E Align to center Ctrl + 1 Heading 1 Ctrl + 2 Heading 2 Ctrl + 3 Heading 3 Ctrl + 4 Heading 4 Ctrl + 5 Heading 5 Ctrl + 6 Heading 6 Dernière mise à jour (UTC): lundi 11 novembre 2019 Defkey © Tous les droits sont réservés.