============================================ Google Translator Toolkit keyboard shortcuts ============================================ First published at 2/3/2018 on https://defkey.com/google-translator-toolkit-shortcuts Google Translator Toolkit is a web based application that allow translator to edit automatic Google Translate translations. The tool helps users to organize their work, use shared translations, glossaries and translation memories. Google Translator Toolkit has 22 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Navigation ---------- Ctrl + Home Select first unit Ctrl + End Select last unit Ctrl + K Select previous unit Ctrl + J Select next unit Alt + K Select previous untranslated unit Alt + J Select next untranslated unit Alt + L Select next invalid unit Editing ------- Ctrl + F Find and replace Ctrl + S Save Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Y Redo Ctrl + M Add comment Translation ----------- Ctrl + Shift + K Open/close toolkit Ctrl + Shift + S Replace translation with source Ctrl + Shift + M Replace translation with machine translation Ctrl + Shift + L Replace translation with translation memory Ctrl + Shift + A Start automatic translation search Ctrl + Shift + C Start custom translation search for highlighted text Ctrl + Shift + I Automatically insert placeholders Ctrl + Shift + U Clear all placeholders Ctrl + Shift + Space Show placeholder menu Misc ---- Ctrl + / Open keyboard shortcut help Last modified on (UTC): Monday, November 11, 2019 Defkey © All rights reserved.