======================================= Kitty 0.25.0 (MacOS) keyboard shortcuts ======================================= First published at 5/3/2022 on https://defkey.com/kitty-0-25-0-macos-shortcuts Kitty is a free and open-source terminal emulator for Linux and macOS. It provides GPU support and focuses on performance and features. Kitty 0.25.0 (MacOS) has 74 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Tabs and windows ---------------- Scrolling Option + Command + Page Up Line up Option + Cmd + Up arrow Line up Option + Command + Page Down Line down Option + Cmd + Down arrow Line down Command + Page Up Page up Command + Page Down Page down Cmd + Home Top Cmd + End Bottom Control + Shift + Z Previous shell prompt Control + Shift + X Next shell prompt Control + Shift + H Browse scrollback in less Control + Shift + G Browse last cmd output Tabs Control + Shift + T New tab Cmd + T New tab Control + Shift + Q Close tab Cmd + W Close tab Control + Shift + Right arrow Next tab Control + Tab Next tab Shift + Cmd + ] Next tab Control + Shift + Left arrow Previous tab Shift + Control + Tab Previous tab Shift + Cmd + [ Previous tab Control + Shift + L Next layout Control + Shift + . Move tab forward Control + Shift + , Move tab backward Shift + Cmd + I Set tab title Windows Control + Shift + Enter New window Cmd + Enter New window Control + Shift + N New OS window Cmd + N New OS window Control + Shift + W Close window Shift + Cmd + D Close window Control + Shift + ] Next window Control + Shift + [ Previous window Control + Shift + F Move window forward Control + Shift + B Move window backward Control + Shift + ` Move window to top Control + Shift + F7 Visually focus window Control + Shift + F8 Visually swap window Control + Shift + [0 - 9] Focus specific window Cmd + [1 - 9] Focus specific window Keyboard shortcuts can be defined for neightboring windows and moving windows around in kitty.conf. Example: map ctrl+left neighboring_window left map shift+left move_window right map ctrl+down neighboring_window down map shift+down move_window up More information can be found in the documentation. Misc. ----- Control + Shift + C Copy to clipboard Cmd + C Copy to clipboard Control + Shift + V Paste from clipboard Cmd + V Paste from clipboard Control + Shift + S Paste from selection Control + Shift + = Increase font size Cmd + + Increase font size Control + Shift + - Decrease font size Cmd + - Decrease font size Control + Shift + Backspace Restore font size Cmd + 0 Restore font size Control + Shift + F11 Toggle fullscreen Control + Cmd + F Toggle fullscreen Control + Shift + F10 Toggle maximized Control + Shift + U Input unicode character Control + Cmd + Space Input unicode character Control + Shift + E Open URL in web browser Control + Shift + Del Reset the terminal Option + Cmd + R Reset the terminal Control + Shift + F5 Reload kitty.conf Control + Cmd + , Reload kitty.conf Control + Shift + F6 Debug kitty.conf Option + Cmd + , Debug kitty.conf Control + Shift + O Pass current selection to program Control + Shift + F2 Edit kitty config file Cmd + , Edit kitty config file Control + Shift + Esc Open a kitty shell Control + Shift + A then M Increase background opacity Control + Shift + A then L Decrease background opacity Control + Shift + A then 1 Full background opacity Control + Shift + A then D Reset background opacity Mouse ----- Selecting text will automatically copy it to the primary clipboard. Control + Shift + Right click Open the output of the clicked on command in a pager (requires shell integration) Shift Select text even when a terminal program has grabbed the mouse) Source: sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/overview Last modified on (UTC): Wednesday, May 4, 2022 Defkey © All rights reserved.