LibreCAD keyboard shortcuts

First published at 10/21/2019 on https://defkey.com/librecad-shortcuts

LibreCAD is a computer-aided design application for creating 2D graphics.
It works on Windows, Linux, macOS and Unix.

LibreCAD has 88 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below.


Ctrl + T                Reload style sheet
F5                      Redraw
F11                     Fullscreen
Ctrl + G                Grid
Ctrl + D                Draft
Ctrl + +                Zoom in
Ctrl + -                Zoom out
Ctrl + K                Deselect all
Ctrl + A                Select all
Ctrl + R                Revert direction


P then O                (or type point) Draw point
L                       (or type line) Draw line
L then I                (or type line) Draw line
P then L                (or type polyline)  Draw polyline
O                       (or type offset or parallel) Draw parallel line
P then A                (or type offset or parallel) Draw parallel line
A                       (or type arc)  Draw arc 3P
A then R                (or type arc)  Draw arc 3P
C then I                (or type circle)  Draw circle
R then E then C         (or type rect or type rectangle)  Draw line rectangle

Type mtxt, mtext: Draw M text

T then X then T         (or type text) Draw text
H then A                (or type hatch) Draw hatch
F then H then L         Draw free line
S then P then L         (or type spline) Draw spline
S then T then P         (or type spline2) Draw spline points

Type ortho, perp: Draw line orthogonal

V then E then R         (or type vertical) Draw line vertical
H then O then R         (or type horizontal) Draw line horizontal
E then I                Draw ellipse inscribed
I then E                Draw ellipse inscribed
B then I                (or type bisect) Draw line bisector

Type tanpc, tangentpc: Draw line tangent 1

Type poly2, polygon2v: Draw line polygon cor cor

P then P                Draw line parallel through
P then T then P         Draw line parallel through
C then 2                (or type circle2) Draw circle 2P
C then 3                (or type circle3) Draw circle 3P
C then T then 3         (or type tan3) Draw circle tan 3


Z then R                (or type regen or redraw) Zoom redraw
R then G                (or type regen or redraw) Zoom redraw
Z then W                Zoom window
Z then A                Zoom auto
Z then P                Zoom pan
Z then V                Zoom previous


U                       (or type undo) Edit undo
O then O                (or type undo) Edit undo
R                       (or type redo) Edit redo
U then U                (or type redo) Edit redo
K                       (or type kill) Edit kill all actions


D then A                Dim aligned
D then R                Dim linear
D then H                Dim linear horizontal
D then V                Dim linear vertical
L then D                DimLeader


T then M                (type trim) Modify trim
T then 2                Modify trim 2
T then M then 2         Modify trim 2
M then V                Modify move
C then H                (or type fillet) (bug)  Modify bevel
M then I                Modify mirror
R,                      O Modify rotate
S then Z                Modify scale
S then S                Modify stretch
E then R                Modify delete
X then P                Blocks explode
D then I                Modify cut
D then I then V         Modify cut
C then U then T         Modify cut
M then P                (or type prop)  Modify entity
F then I                (or type fillet)  Modify round
M then A                (or type attr) Modify attributes


O then S                Snap free
S then F                Snap free
S then G                Snap grid
S then E                Snap endpoint
S then I                Snap intersection
S then C                Snap center
S then M                Snap middle
N then P                Snap on entity
S then N                Snap on entity
S then D                Snap dist
R then N                Restrict nothing
R then R                Restrict orthogonal
R then H                Restrict horizontal
R then V                Restrict vertical
R then Z                Set relative zero


T then N                Deselect all
S then A                Select all


D then P then P         (or type dist) Info dist
A then N then G         (or type angle) Info angle
A then R                (or type area) Info area

Source: Program menus, LibreCAD

Last modified on (UTC): Friday, October 15, 2021
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