============================= Luna (DAW) keyboard shortcuts ============================= First published at 3/12/2022 on https://defkey.com/luna-universal-audio-shortcuts LUNA is described as a "music creation, recording, and analog-style production system". It is a digital audio workstation (DAW) which is used to create music. Luna (DAW) has 294 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Windows and Display ------------------- Cmd + = Toggle Timeline/Mixer Cmd + ` Next Window Cmd + Shift + ` Previous Window Shift + W Show/Hide Floating Windows Cmd + W Close Floating Window Option + Cmd + N New Window Shift + Cmd + = New Alternate Window Cmd + Shift + F Toggle Full Screen Shift + R Spill Selected Bus Playback and Timeline --------------------- Space Toggle Playback Cmd + Space Toggle Record Num 3 Toggle Record Control + Option + Cmd + Space Restart Playback Control + L Loop Playback Num 4 Loop Playback Enter Return To Zero Cmd + K Toggle Pre/Post Roll K Toggle Metronome Num 7 Toggle Metronome Shift + K Toggle Count In Num 8 Toggle Count In Enter Create Marker Zooming and Scrolling --------------------- Shift + A Auto Scroll Cmd + ] Zoom In T Zoom In Cmd + [ Zoom Out R Zoom Out E Frame Selection Control + Up arrow Increase Selected Track Heights Control + Down arrow Decrease Selected Track Heights Control + Option + Up arrow Increase All Track Heights Control + Option + Down arrow Decrease All Track Heights Option + Cmd + ] Zoom In Audio Waveforms Option + Cmd + [ Zoom Out Audio Waveforms Control + Option + Cmd + [ Reset Audio Waveform Zoom Shift + Left arrow Scroll To Left Selection Q Scroll To Left Selection Shift + Right arrow Scroll To Right Selection W Scroll To Right Selection Left arrow / Right arrow Scroll Mixer one track left or right Cmd + Left arrow / Right arrow Scroll mixer one page left or right Option + Cmd + Left arrow / Right arrow Scroll mixer to first or last track Up arrow / Down arrow Scroll mixer up or down Record / Input / Solo / Mute ---------------------------- Shift + R Toggle Record Arm Shift + T Toggle Input Enable Option + K Toggle Input Enable on all record-enabled tracks Shift + S Toggle Solo Shift + M Toggle Mute Cmd + Space Toggle Record Num 3 Toggle Record Shift + Cmd + . Discard Recording Editing and Fades ----------------- Del Clear Cmd + Z Undo Cmd + Shift + Z Redo Cmd + X Cut X Cut Cmd + C Copy C Copy Cmd + V Paste V Paste Cmd + D Duplicate selection Shift + X Shift Cut Shift + V Shift Paste Shift + D Shift Duplicate Shift + I Shift Insert Shift + Del Shift Clear Cmd + M Mute Selection Cmd + F Create Fades D Fade To Clip Start (Fade In) G Fade To Clip Stop (Fade Out) A Trim From Clip Start S Trim From Clip End Cmd + T Trim Clip to Selection Cmd + E Separate Selection B Separate Selection Option + Shift + 3 Consolidate Selection Cmd + H Heal Separation Option + Cmd + B Export Mixdown Cmd + Shift + K Export Clips Control + Option + Shift + 3 Generate Sinewave in Selection Control + Option + Shift + # Generate Sinewave in Selection Making Selections ----------------- Cmd + A Select All Shift + Cmd + A Select All Tracks Down arrow Set Selection Start (while stopped or playing back) Up arrow Set Selection End (while playing back) Moving Selections ----------------- P Move Selection Up ; Move Selection Down ] Move Selection to Next Bar Num 2 Move Selection to Next Bar [ Move Selection to Previous Bar Num 1 Move Selection to Previous Bar Move Selection To Next Clip Edge L Move Selection To Previous Clip Edge Tab Move Selection To Next Transient Option + ‘ Move Selection To Next Transient Option + Tab Move Selection To Previous Transient Option + L Move Selection To Previous Transient Control + Option + ' Move Selection To Next Marker Control + Option + L Move Selection To Previous Marker Cmd + Shift + L Loop Select Extending Selections -------------------- Shift + P Extend Selection Up Shift + ; Extend Selection Down Shift + ] Extend Selection To Next Bar Shift + Num 2 Extend Selection To Next Bar Shift + [ Extend Selection to Previous Bar Shift + Num 1 Extend Selection to Previous Bar Shift + ' Extend Selection To Next Clip Edge Shift + L Extend Selection To Previous Clip Edge Shift + Tab Extend Selection To Next Transient Option + Shift + ‘ Extend Selection To Next Transient Option + Shift + Tab Extend Selection To Previous Transient Option + Shift + L Extend Selection To Previous Transient Shift + Control + Option + ' Extend Selection to Next Marker Shift + Control + Option + L Extend selection to Previous Marker Shift + Enter Extend Selection To Session Start Option + Shift + Enter Extend Selection To Session End Nudge Editing ------------- , Nudge Left M Nudge Left Next Amount . Nudge Right / Nudge Right Next Amount Control + Option + . Nudge to Next Clip Control + Option + , Nudge to Previous Clip Control + , Nudge Content Left Control + M Nudge Content Left Next Amount Control + . Nudge Content Right Control + / Nudge Content Right Next Amount Option + Cmd + = Increment Nudge Value Option + Cmd + - Decrement Nudge Value Tracks and Versions ------------------- Cmd + G New Track Group Control + G Toggle Selection Grouping Shift + Cmd + G Suspend Groups Shift + Cmd + N New Tracks Shift + Cmd + I New Instrument Track (with Shape) Shift + Cmd + B Create Bus Shift + Cmd + Del Delete Selected Tracks Cmd + I Import Option + D Duplicate Shift + Option + D Duplicate Without Content Control + Option + \ New Version On All Tracks Control + Option + Shift + | New Version On Selected Tracks Control + Option + Cmd + \ Duplicate Version For All Tracks Control + Option + Cmd + Shift + | Duplicate Version On Selected Tracks Option + Cmd + F Find Track Control + Cmd + Left arrow / Right arrow Toggle Selected Track Views Control + Option + Cmd + Left arrow / Right arrow Toggle All Track Views Grid ---- Shift + = Increase Grid Shift + - Decrease Grid Shift + \ Toggle Snap To Grid Cmd + Shift + \ Toggle Relative Grid Snap Shift + Option + Cmd + I Align Bar Option + Cmd + I Align Grid MIDI ---- Num 9 MIDI Merge Option + Cmd + M MIDI Keyboard Mode Cmd + Shift + U Open Quantize Browser Cmd + U Quantize Selection Up arrow Pitch Selected MIDI Notes up One Semitone Down arrow Pitch Selected MIDI Notes down One Semitone Shift + Up arrow Pitch Selected MIDI Notes up One Octave Shift + Down arrow Pitch Selected MIDI Notes down One Octave Sessions and LUNA ----------------- Cmd + N New Session Cmd + O Open Session Cmd + Shift + W Close Session Shift + Cmd + O Open Session Version Cmd + S Save Bookmark Shift + Cmd + S Save New Version Option + Cmd + O Browse All Recent Cmd + Q Quit Cmd + F5 Show Settings LUNA menu --------- Cmd + , Preferences Cmd + H Hide LUNA Option + Cmd + H Hide Others Cmd + Q Quit LUNA File menu --------- Cmd + N New Cmd + O Open... Option + Cmd + O Open Recent > Browse All Recent Shift + Cmd + O Open Session Version Cmd + W Close Shift + Cmd + W Close Session Cmd + S Save Bookmark Shift + Cmd + S Save New Version Cmd + I Import... Option + Cmd + B Export > Mixdown Shift + Cmd + K Export > Clips Edit menu --------- Cmd + Z Undo Shift + Cmd + Z Redo Cmd + X Cut Cmd + C Copy Cmd + V Paste Del Clear Cmd + D Duplicate Option + Shift + 3 Consolidate Cmd + A Select All Shift + C Shift > Cut Shift + Del Shift > Clear Shift + V Shift > Paste Shift + D Shift > Duplicate Shift + I Shift > Insert Time , Nudge > Left M Nudge > Left Next Amount . Nudge > Right / Nudge > Right Next Amount Control + Option + . Nudge > To Next Clip Control + Option + , Nudge > To Previous Clip Option + Cmd + = Nudge > Increment Nudge Value Option + Cmd + - Nudge > Decrement Nudge Value Control + , Nudge Content > Left Control + M Nudge Content > Left Next Amount Control + . Nudge Content > Right Control + / Nudge Content > Right Next Amount Cmd + M Mute Selection Cmd + E Separate Selection Cmd + H Heal Separation Cmd + F Create Fades D Fade to Clip Start G Fade to Clip Stop A Trim From Clip Start S Trim From Clip End Cmd + T Trim Clip to Selection Shift + = Increase Grid Shift + - Decrease Grid Cmd + U Quantize Shift + Cmd + U Quantize Settings Shift + Option + Cmd + I Align Bar Option + Cmd + I Align Grid Track menu ---------- Shift + Cmd + N New Tracks Shift + Cmd + I New Instrument Cmd + G New Track Group Control + G Selection Grouping Shift + Cmd + G Suspend Groups Option + D Duplicate Shift + Option + D Duplicate Without Content Control + Option + \ New Version > On All Tracks Control + Option + Shift + | New Version > On Selected Tracks Control + Option + Cmd + \ Duplicate Version > On All Tracks Control + Option + Shift + Cmd + | Duplicate Version > On Selected Tracks Shift + Cmd + Del Delete Selected Tracks Option + Cmd + F Find Track Mixing menu ----------- Shift + Cmd + B Creates a bus. Selected tracks can be routed directly to the bus or routed to the bus through an Aux send. Transport menu -------------- Control + L When enabled, a selection will loop in playback and loop record. Cmd + K Toggles pre-roll and post-roll on or off. Num 9 Toggles MIDI Merge and MIDI Replace mode, to specify whether new MIDI data recorded to a track is added to the existing MIDI data, or whether the MIDI on the track is replaced. Space Starts or stops playback. Cmd + Space Toggles recording. Press Command + Space to start recording. If you press Command + Spacebar while LUNA is recording, the session continues to play, but the transport drops out of record. Control + Option + Restarts playback from the original playhead position or the start of the selection. Cmd + Space Restarts playback from the original playhead position or the start of the selection. Cmd + Shift + . Stops all current recording and discards all in progress recordings (no undo). Cmd + L The current Timeline selection is applied to the Loop selection and loop length (Loop ruler selection matches the current Timeline selection). Shift + Cmd + L The current Loop selection is applied to the Timeline (Timeline selection matches the current Loop selection). Navigation menu --------------- Cmd + ] Zoom in on the track horizontally. Cmd + [ Zoom out on the track horizontally. E Fill the edit window with the selected clip or clips. If no clip is selected, fills the edit window with the nearest clip. Press E again to revert to the previous view. Enter Moves the playhead to the start of the session. Option + Cmd + ] Zooms waveforms in horizontally. Option + Cmd + [ Zooms waveforms out horizontally. Control + Option + Resets the horizontal zoom for audio waveforms. Cmd + [ Resets the horizontal zoom for audio waveforms. P Moves the selection area from the current track to the track above. ; Moves the selection area from the current track to the track below. Shift + P Extends the selection from the current track to the track above. Shift + ; Extends the selection from the current track to the track below. Down arrow Starts a selection during playback or with the transport stopped. Up arrow Ends a selection during playback. Tab Moves the playhead to the next transient in the selected tracks. Option + Tab Moves the playhead to the previous transient in the selected tracks. ] Moves the playhead to the next bar. [ Moves the playhead to the previous bar. ‘ Moves the playhead to the next clip edge on the selected track or tracks. L Moves the playhead to the previous clip edge on the selected track or tracks. Control + Option + ‘ Moves the playhead to the next marker. Control + Option + L Moves the playhead to the previous marker. Shift + Tab Extends the selection to the next transient in the selected tracks. Shift + Option + Tab Extends the selection to the previous transient in the selected tracks. Shift + ] Extends the selection to the next bar on the selected tracks. Shift + [ Extends the selection to the previous bar on the selected tracks. Shift + ‘ Extends the selection to the next clip edge on the selected track or tracks. Shift + L Extends the selection to the previous clip edge on the selected track or tracks. Shift + Control + Option + ‘ Extends the selection to the next marker. Shift + Control + Option + L Extends the selection to the previous marker. Shift + Enter Extends the selection to the start of the session. Shift + Option + Enter Extends the selection to the end of the session. Control + Up arrow Increases the height of selected tracks. Note: by default, this key command is mapped to the macOS command for Mission Control. You must disable or remap this feature to use this key command. To disable or remap this command, in System Preferences > Keyboard, click Shortcuts and disable this key command, or map it to a different key command. Refer to your macOS documentation for more information. Control + Down arrow Decreases the height of selected tracks. Note: by default, this key command is mapped to the macOS command for Application Windows. You must disable or remap this feature to use this key command. To disable or remap this command, in System Preferences > Keyboard, click Shortcuts and disable this key command, or map it to a different key command. Refer to your macOS documentation for more information. Control + Option + Up arrow Increases the height of all tracks. Control + Option + Down arrow Decreases the height of all tracks. Shift + Left arrow Scrolls the Timeline and centers the left edge of the current selection. Shift + Right arrow Scrolls the Timeline and centers the right edge of the current selection. Shift + A Scrolls the timeline automatically one screen at a time during playback and record. View menu --------- Option + Cmd + M Toggles MIDI Keyboard Mode, to allow MIDI note input using the typing keyboard. Note: MIDI Keyboard Mode overrides some keys that are used as keyboard  shortcuts. Cmd + = Switches between Timeline and Mixer view. Windows menu ------------ Shift + Cmd + = Opens a second LUNA window. Shift + Cmd + ’ Cycles to the previous window. Cmd + ’ Cycles to the next window. Shift + W Shows or hides floating windows (for example, plug-in windows). Shift + Cmd + F Toggles full screen mode for the LUNA app. Last modified on (UTC): Saturday, March 12, 2022 Defkey © All rights reserved.