Dynamics 365 Business Central keyboard shortcuts

Dynamics 365 Business Central  

Zeynel -
3 years ago
- Shortcuts
Alt + F2

Show and hide the FactBox pane

Alt + ↑  Shift + F2

Shift between Details and Attachments in the FactBox pane

Alt + O

Add a new note for the selected record, even if the FactBox pane isn't open

Alt + Q

Open the Tell Me window

Alt + T

Open the My Settings page

Ctrl + Alt + F1

Open and close the page inspection pane. The page inspection pane shows information about the page, like its source table, fields, filters, extensions, and more

Ctrl + F12

Switch between wide and narrow layout view


Alt + F7

Sort the selected column in ascending or descending order

In many types of pages, moving from one cell to another is possible with keyboard.
Ctrl + Home

Select the first row in the list; focus remains in the same column

Fn + Ctrl +

(macOS) Select the first row in the list; focus remains in the same column

Fn + Ctrl +

(macOS) Select the last row in the list; focus remains in the same column

Fn +

(macOS) Move to the first field in the row

Fn +

(macOS) Move to the last field in the row

Fn +

(macOS) Scroll to display the set rows above the current rows in view

Fn +

(macOS) Scroll to display the set rows below the current rows in view


Move in the same column to the field in the row below

Ctrl +

Extend the selection of rows to include the row that you click

Ctrl + ⌘ Cmd + Space

(macOS) Extend the selection of rows to include the focused row

The following shortcuts can be used on card pages, such as Customer Card, and document pages, such as Sales Order.
The following shortcuts are concerned to the Quick Entry feature of cards, documents and list pages. These shortcuts cannot be used when the list is in the tile view.
Note: This doesn't work if the date field is in a grid, where Ctrl + Home jumps to the first row
Ctrl + 0

Fit the entire page on the page

Ctrl +

Moves focus to the next found feature in role explorer. F3 will move focus to the Find box after the last found feature

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Program information

Program name: Dynamics 365 Business Central Dynamics 365 Business Central (Productivity)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a "enterprise resource planning" (ERP) system. It is primarily web-based and accessed through dynamics.com. The software was released publicly in April 2018.

Web page: dynamics.microsoft.com/en-us/b...

Last update: 9/30/2021 1:41 PM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 81%

More information >>

Updated: Updated program information. (3 updates.) 9/29/2021 3:32:52 PM New program added.
9/29/2021 3:34:28 PM Added some shortcuts.
9/30/2021 3:41:14 PM Updated program information.

Shortcut count: 149

Platform detected: Windows and macOS mixed

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