============================================= Nimbus Note (macOS) (2022) keyboard shortcuts ============================================= First published at 12/30/2021 on https://defkey.com/nimbus-note-macos-2022-shortcuts Nimbus Note is a note-taking application developed by Nimbus Web. It works on Android, iOS, macOS and Windows. Nimbus Note aims to provide an efficient, collaborative environment for working better. Nimbus Note (macOS) (2022) has 44 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Frequently used --------------- Cmd + Shift + C Add checkbox Cmd + Shift + 7 Add digital list Cmd + Shift + 8 Add bullet list Cmd + Shift + I Add picture Cmd + Shift + F Add file Cmd + Alt + T Add table Cmd + Alt + O Add outline : Add emoji / Open the object menu Options + Shift + Del (when the cursor is at the beginning of a line or block) Delete entire text block / line Cmd + V Paste text into a note Cmd + Shift + V Paste without formatting Styling ------- Cmd + Option + 1 H1 title Cmd + Option + 2 H2 title Cmd + Option + 3 H3 title Cmd + B Bold Cmd + I Italic Cmd + U Underline Cmd + Shift + S Strikethrough Cmd + Option + I Line Cmd + / Clear format Cmd + Option + 7 Paragraph Cmd + K Link Cmd + Option + C Code Cmd + Option + O Outline Cmd + Option + U Hint Cmd + Option + E Inline code @ Mention Cmd + Option + Y Quote Cmd + Option + P Placeholder Cmd + Option + H Highlight - + > Arrow (→) Cmd + Shift + 1 Align left Cmd + Shift + 2 Align center Cmd + Shift + 3 Align right Option + Left click + Move the mouse (drag the block) Duplicate block Mentions and linking -------------------- @ Mention Cmd + Option + M Embeds Cmd + Option + G Google Drive Cmd + Option + B Bookmark Cmd + / Open note in full-screen mode Cmd + Option + W Enable full-width Enter Enter Cmd + Enter New line in text Markdown styles --------------- Add ** on both sides of a word or phrase to get bold text. For example, ** bold ** Add * on both sides of a word or phrase to italicize. For example, * italicize *. Add ` (single quotes) on both sides of a word or phrase to get the text in code. Add ~~ on both sides of a word or phrase to get it crossed out. For example, ~~ crossed out ~~. With the help of shortcuts below, you can also create various objects. They can only be used at the beginning of a line. Type *, -, or + and press space to create a bullet list Type [] (double brackets) to create checkboxes Type 1. and a space to create a numbered list. Type # and a space to create an H1 list Type ## and space to create an H2 list Type ### and a space to create an H3 list Type " (regular quotes) and a space to create a quote Type ``` (back quote) and a space to create a block of code Source: Nimbus Last modified on (UTC): Thursday, December 30, 2021 Defkey © All rights reserved.