======================================= Notepad++ keyboard shortcuts (filtered) ======================================= First published at 11/3/2017 on https://defkey.com/notepad-plus-plus-shortcuts Notepad++ is a powerful, open source alternative for Notepad that comes by default with Microsoft Windows. It's advanced code editing features makes it suitable for software developers. Edit menu --------- Ctrl + Shift + T Copy current line to clipboard Ctrl + A Select all Alt + Shift + Arrow keys Column mode select Ctrl + Left click Start new selected area. Only multiple stream areas can be selected this way Alt + C Column editor Ctrl + D Duplicate current line Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow Move current line or current selection if a single stream, up Ctrl + I Split lines Ctrl + Shift + Del Delete to end of line Enter Split line downwards or create new line Search menu ----------- Ctrl + F Launch find dialog Ctrl + Shift + I Incremental search View menu --------- Ctrl + Alt + F Collapse the current level Alt + Shift + 1 ...8 Uncollapse the level (1~8) Run menu -------- F5 Launch run dialog Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R Open in Chrome Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X Open in Firefox Mouse gestures -------------- Left click (on rightmost status bar pane) Toggle typing mode between Insert and Overtype Double click (on location pane, status bar) Go to line Click three times (rapidly) Select line Last modified on (UTC): Tuesday, November 26, 2019 Defkey © All rights reserved.