=========================== Overleaf keyboard shortcuts =========================== First published at 1/14/2020 on https://defkey.com/overleaf-shortcuts Overleaf is an online collaborative text editing application. It can work offline and sync your files via Dropbox and GitHub. Overleaf has 54 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Frequently used --------------- Ctrl + F Find and replace Ctrl + Enter Compile the project Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Y Redo Ctrl + Home Go to first line of the current file Ctrl + End Go to last line of the current file Ctrl + L Go to specific line... Ctrl + / Toggle commenting for selected lines Ctrl + D Delete current line Ctrl + A Select all Tab Indent section Shift + Tab Unindent section Ctrl + U Change selected text to upper case Ctrl + Shift + U Change selected text to lower case Ctrl + B Bold Ctrl + I Italics Ctrl + Space Open autocomplete menu, inside of \cite{...} search the bibliography General ------- Ctrl + . Trigger compilation Ctrl + S Trigger compilation Ctrl + Enter Trigger compilation Alt + E Next error / warning Alt + Shift + E Previous error / warning Ctrl + / Toggle % comment on selected line(s) Ctrl + D Delete current line Ctrl + Space Open autocomplete menu, inside of \cite{...} search the bibliography Ctrl + [ Indent less Shift + Tab Indent less Ctrl + ] Indent more Tab (at line start) Indent more Ctrl + U Change selected text to upper case Ctrl + Shift + U Change selected text to lower case Ctrl + B Bold Ctrl + I Italics Ctrl + X Cut selected text Ctrl + C Copy selected text Ctrl + V Paste copied text Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo Ctrl + Y Redo Ctrl + P Go to nearest matching start / close paranthesis, brace or bracket Alt + Left arrow Go to line start Alt + Right arrow Go to line end Ctrl + Home Go to document start Ctrl + End Go to document end Ctrl + L Go to line number... Ctrl + F Find and replace Ctrl + G (or just Enter again) Find next Ctrl + Shift + G Find previous Ctrl + A Select all Ctrl + Left click Multiple cursors Alt + Left click + Move the mouse Rectangular selection Ctrl + J Toggle review panel Ctrl + Shift + A Toggle tracking changes Ctrl + Shift + C Add comment in review panel Source: Overleaf (1, 2) Last modified on (UTC): Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Defkey © All rights reserved.