================================== Rec Room (Xbox) keyboard shortcuts ================================== First published at 8/18/2022 on https://defkey.com/rec-room-xbox-shortcuts Rec Room is a virtual reality game with an integrated game creation system developed and published by Rec Room. The game includes separate built-in multiplayer games, such as first-person shooters, a Battle Royale game, and cooperative action-adventure games. The game was released for various devices including Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox. Rec Room (Xbox) has 27 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Movement -------- Left thumb stick Move Left thumb stick - press Sprint Right thumb stick Look B button Crouch A button Jump A button then A button Fly General ------- Menu button Watch menu Left thumb stick - press + Right thumb stick - press Dance mode (third person view) D-pad left (hold) Emote menu D-pad left Repeat last emote D-pad down Toggle mic/push-to-talk View button Room chat RB (right bumper) + LB (left bumper) button + Left thumb stick + Right thumb stick Left stick: Orbit. Right stick: Zoom. Only available when holding the maker pen Right hand actions ------------------ RT (right trigger) Interact/primary action/reach (right hand) RB (right bumper) + Right thumb stick Wave (right hand) Y button (hold) Equipment (right hand) Y button Cycle holstered objects (right hand) X button Drop held object/toggle hand gesture (right hand) X button (hold) Hand gestures (right hand) Right thumb stick - press Secondary action (right hand) Left hand --------- LT (left trigger) button Interact/primary action/reach (left hand) LB (left bumper) button + Left thumb stick Wave (left hand) D-pad up Equipment (left hand) D-pad up Cycle holstered objects (left hand) D-pad right Drop help object/toggle hand gesture (left hand) D-pad right Hand gestures (left hand) Right thumb stick - press Secondary action (left hand) This will work only if no secondary action for object in right hand. Last modified on (UTC): Thursday, August 18, 2022 Defkey © All rights reserved.