========================= Ren'Py keyboard shortcuts ========================= First published at 12/8/2020 on https://defkey.com/renpy-shortcuts Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine is a free software engine used to create visual novels. Ren'Py can create branching stories, save file systems, various scene transitions and more. It can build games for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, OpenBSD, iOS, HTML5 and Web Assembly. Ren'Py has 28 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. General ------- Left click Advance through game Space Advance through game. Does not activate choices Enter Advance through game Left click Make a choice in menu Arrow keys Navigate between choices. Enter to activate it Right click Open game menu Esc Open game menu Ctrl (hold) Skip Tab Toggle skipping Wheel up Rollback (reverse game back in time, even allowing menu choices to be changed) Page Up Rollback (reverse game back in time, even allowing menu choices to be changed) Wheel down Rollforward (cancel out a previous rollback) Page Down Rollforward (cancel out a previous rollback) Middle click Hide text window and other transient dialogs H Hide text window and other transient dialogs F Toggle full-screen mode S Take a screenshot and save it Alt + H Minimize the window Cmd + H Minimize the window Alt + F4 Quit the game Cmd + Q Quit the game Del When a save slot is selected, delete that save slot Developer --------- These keys aims to make developer's life easier. Many of these shortcuts needs the variable "config.developer" to be set to "True" to work. Shift + O Console (available in developer mode or when config.console is active) Shift + E Editor support (The config.editor variable allows a developer to specify an editor command that is run when the launch_editor keypress) Shift + D Developer menu (config.developer should be set true) Shift + R Reloading (When config.developer is True, this shortcut will save the current game, reload game script and reload the game. This will generally place you at the last unchanged statement encountered before Shift + R was pressed Shift + I Style inspecting (when config.developer is true) Shift + Y Style dumping (when config.developer is true) Last modified on (UTC): Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Defkey © All rights reserved.