SAP Business Client for Desktop keyboard shortcuts

First published at 9/23/2021 on

SAP Business Client is a central environment for SAP (Systems Applications
and Products) business applications.

SAP Business Client for Desktop has 27 shortcuts and we have listed all of
them below.


Ctrl + Alt + L          Focus on Quick Launch
Ctrl + W                Close Tab
Ctrl + T                New Tab
Ctrl + Left arrow       Move Left
Ctrl + Right arrow      Move Right
F5                      Refresh Content Area
F5                      (For Web content) Refresh
F5                      (For SAP GUI transactions) As defined in the standard for function keys
Ctrl + Shift + I        Favorites
Ctrl + Shift + N        Navigation Panel
Ctrl + Shift + P        Side Panel
Ctrl + Alt + F11        Full Screen
F6                      Focus on Next Area/ Focus on Previous Area
Shift + F6              Focus on Next Area/ Focus on Previous Area
F6                      (For Web content) Navigation between groups (between menu, top level
navigation, navigation panel, content area)
Shift + F6              (For Web content) Navigation between groups (between menu, top level
navigation, navigation panel, content area)
F6                      (For SAP GUI transactions) As defined in the standard for function keys
Shift + F6              (For SAP GUI transactions) As defined in the standard for function keys
Ctrl + Alt + M          Focus on Menu
Alt + 0                 Focus on Tabs
Alt + 1                 Focus on Navigation Panel
Alt + 2                 Focus on Content Area
Alt + 3                 Focus on Side Panel
Ctrl + Alt + K          Show Shortcuts
Ctrl + R                Refresh Side Panel

The side panel applications are informed about changes in the application.
This happens automatically, except in special cases, when selecting table
lines in SAP List Viewer (ALV) tables, for example.

Ctrl + D                Disconnect Side Panel

The side panel application does not react to changes within the current
application. It is frozen and it remains unchanged even if other
applications are started that do not have this side panel application

Ctrl + Shift + D        Connect Side Panel

The side panel applications are informed about changes in the application
and react to them.

Last modified on (UTC): Thursday, September 23, 2021
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