============================== SmartGit 19 keyboard shortcuts ============================== First published at 8/17/2019 on https://defkey.com/smartgit-shortcuts SmartGit is a Git client for Windows, Mac and Linux. It provides graphical user interface for accessing Git repositories. SmartGit 19 has 82 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Repository ---------- Ctrl + O Add or create Ctrl + Shift + O Clone Ctrl + F4 Close Alt + Enter Settings Alt + X Exit Edit ---- Ctrl + F Filter files Ctrl + Shift + A Select commitable files Alt + Insert Copy path Alt + Shift + Insert Copy relative path Ctrl + Backspace Clear output Ctrl + , Preferences View ---- Shift + F6 Previous change F6 Next change F5 Refresh Ctrl + 0 Files from subdirectories Ctrl + 1 Show unchanged files Ctrl + 2 Show unversioned files Ctrl + 3 Show ignored files Ctrl + 4 Show staged files Ctrl + 5 Show assume-unchanged files Ctrl + 6 Show skipped files Ctrl + 7 Show rename source files Ctrl + 8 Show files from submodules Remote ------ Alt + Page Down Pull Alt + Shift + Page Down Fetch Ctrl + Y Synchronize Alt + Page Up Push Alt + Shift + Page Up Push to F2 Rename Local ----- Ctrl + T Stage Ctrl + Shift + T Unstage Ctrl + Alt + T Index editor Ctrl + I Ignore F2 Ad değiştir Ctrl + Shift + V Resolve Ctrl + K Commit Ctrl + Shift + K Use message for commit Ctrl + R Reset Ctrl + Shift + R Reset advanced Ctrl + Alt + R Undo last commit Ctrl + Z Discard Ctrl + - Remove Del Delete Ctrl + S Stash all Ctrl + Shift + S Apply stash F2 Rename stash Branch ------ Ctrl + G Check out Ctrl + M Merge Ctrl + Shift + M Cherry-pick Ctrl + Alt + M Revert Ctrl + D Rebase HEAD to Ctrl + Shift + D Rebase to HEAD F7 Add branch Shift + F7 Add tag F2 Rename Ctrl + J Squash commits Query ----- F4 Show changes Shift + F4 Compare with working tree Ctrl + S Save as Ctrl + L Log Ctrl + Shift + L Blame Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L Investigate Window ------ Ctrl + N New window Ctrl + Shift + N Show log window F11 Full screen Shift + F11 Maximize view Ctrl + Shift + F4 Hide view Ctrl + Shift + 1 Repositories Ctrl + Shift + 2 Branches Ctrl + Shift + 3 Files Ctrl + Shift + 4 Changes Ctrl + Shift + 5 Journal Ctrl + Shift + 6 Commit Ctrl + Shift + 7 Output Ctrl + Alt + 1 Main perspective Ctrl + Alt + 2 Review perspective Help ---- Ctrl + Shift + P Find command Ctrl + P Find object Misc ---- Del Repositories > Remove F2 Repositories > Rename Shift + F5 Changes > Reload Ctrl + . Changes > Compact change display Last modified on (UTC): Monday, November 11, 2019 Defkey © All rights reserved.