========================================= Most used text editing keyboard shortcuts ========================================= First published at 2/26/2018 on https://defkey.com/text-editing-shortcuts Most used text editing has 47 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. Editing words ------------- On Mac, use Option instead of the Ctrl key. Ctrl + Left arrow Move cursor to beginning of previous word Ctrl + Right arrow Move cursor to beginning of next word Ctrl + Backspace Delete previous word Ctrl + Del Delete next word Ctrl + Up arrow Move cursor to beginning of paragraph Ctrl + Down arrow Move cursor to end of paragraph Moving the cursor ----------------- Home Move cursor to beginning of current line End Move cursor to end of current line Ctrl + Home Move cursor to top of the text entry field Ctrl + End Move cursor to bottom of the text entry field Page Up Move cursor up a page/frame Page Down Move cursor down a page/frame Selecting text -------------- Shift + Left arrow / Right arrow Select characters one at a time Shift + Up arrow / Down arrow Select lines on at a time Shift + Ctrl + Up arrow / Down arrow Select paragraphs Shift + Home Select the text between the cursor and the beginning of the current line Shift + End Select the text between the cursor and the end of the current line Shift + Ctrl + Home Select the text between the cursor and the beginning of the text entry field Shift + Ctrl + End Select the text between the cursor and the end of the text entry field Shift + Page Down Select a frame of text below the cursor Shift + Page Up Select a frame of text above the cursor Ctrl + A Select all text You can use these shortcuts in a sequence to tweak your selection. For example press Shift + Home to select text to the beginning of current line, then press Shift + Up to also select line above it. While a text is selected, you don't need to press Delete or Backspace. Just start typing to replace the text. Editing text ------------ Ctrl + C Copy selected text Ctrl + Insert Copy selected text Ctrl + X Cut selected text Shift + Del Cut selected text Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Y Redo Del Delete character to the right Shift + Enter In some rich text editors, this will mean a "soft return" or line break. It moves you to a new line without ending the paragraph. In many messaging programs, this shortcut will allow you to begin a new line without sending the message Formatting ---------- Formatting shortcuts are only available in rich text editors. Ctrl + B Bold Ctrl + I Italic Ctrl + U Underline In languages other than English, sometimes these shortcuts gets a different letter. For example in Turkish, some programs may use Ctrl + K instead of Ctrl + B. Functions --------- Most text editing programs will recognize these shortcuts. Ctrl + F Opens find text dialog in most applications F3 Find next occurence of last searched string Shift + F3 Find previous occurence of last searched string Ctrl + O Open Ctrl + S Save Ctrl + N Create a new document Ctrl + P Print Alt Activate program's menu bar. You can then use arrow keys to select a menu and press Enter or down arrow key to open the menu Alt + F Open File menu Alt + D Alt + E Open Edit menu Alt + Z Alt + V Open View menu Alt + M Last modified on (UTC): Saturday, February 22, 2020 Defkey © All rights reserved.