======================================== Typora 0.9.81 (macOS) keyboard shortcuts ======================================== First published at 12/11/2019 on https://defkey.com/typora-macos-shortcuts Typora is a markdown editor focused on being lightweight. It can remove all "unnecessary" items for a distraction-free editing experience. Typora 0.9.81 (macOS) has 71 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. File ---- Cmd + N New Cmd + Shift + N New window Cmd + T New tab Cmd + O Open Cmd + Shift + O Open quickly Cmd + Shift + T Reopen closed file Cmd + S Save Cmd + Shift + S Save as / Duplicate Cmd + , Preferences Cmd + W Close Edit ---- Enter New Paragraph Shift + Enter New Line Cmd + X Cut Cmd + C Copy Cmd + V Paste Cmd + Shift + C Copy As Markdown Cmd + Shift + V Paste As Plain Text Cmd + A Select All Cmd + L Select Line/Sentence Cmd + L Select Row (in table) Cmd + Shift + Backspace Delete Row (in table) Cmd + E Select Style Scope Cmd + E Select Cell (in table) Cmd + D Select Word Cmd + Shift + D Delete Word Cmd + Up arrow Jump to Top Cmd + J Jump to Selection Cmd + Down arrow Jump to Bottom Cmd + F Find Cmd + G Find Next Enter Find Next Cmd + Shift + G Find Previous Shift + Enter Find Previous Cmd + H Replace Paragraph --------- Cmd + 1 Heading 1 Cmd + 2 Heading 2 Cmd + 3 Heading 3 Cmd + 4 Heading 4 Cmd + 5 Heading 5 Cmd + 6 Heading 6 Cmd + 0 Paragraph Cmd + = Increase Heading Level Cmd + - Decrease Heading Level Cmd + Option + T Table Cmd + Option + C Code Fences Cmd + Option + B Math Block Cmd + Option + Q Quote Cmd + Option + O Ordered List Cmd + Option + U Unordered List Cmd + [ Indent Tab Indent Cmd + ] Outdent Shift + Tab Outdent Format ------ Cmd + B Strong Cmd + I Emphasis Cmd + U Underline Cmd + Shift + ` Code Control + Shift + ` Strike Cmd + K Hyperlink Cmd + Control + I Image Cmd + \ Clear Format View ---- Cmd + Shift + L Toggle Sidebar Cmd + Control + 1 Outline Cmd + Control + 2 Articles Cmd + Control + 3 File Tree Cmd + / Source Code Mode F8 Focus Mode F9 Typewriter Mode Cmd + Option + F Toggler Fullscreen (Not Supported in macOS)  Actual Size (Not Supported in macOS)  Zoom In (Not Supported in macOS)  Zoom Out Cmd + ` Switch Between Opened Documnets - Toggle DevTools Source: Typora support Last modified on (UTC): Sunday, December 15, 2019 Defkey © All rights reserved.