======================================= WinDev 25 keyboard shortcuts (filtered) ======================================= First published at 11/2/2020 on https://defkey.com/windev-25-shortcuts WinDev is a software engineering workshop developed by PC Soft. WinDev is used to develop applications for Windows, Linux, .NET and Java. It offers it's own programming language called WLanguage. Common: File management shortcuts --------------------------------- Ctrl + N New (Creation of an element) Ctrl + O Open (Open an item) Ctrl + Shift + S Save as Alt + S Save all Common: Editing shortcuts ------------------------- Ctrl + V Paste the contents of the clipboard Ctrl + Shift + V Paste the contents of the clipboard with history Ctrl + A In the code editor: Select the different processes by step (current process then processes of the current element then processes of the current window) Alt + Enter Open the description of the selected element (window with 7 tabs) Common: Shortcuts to search --------------------------- Ctrl + E Quick search for a project element Search also in procedures, methods, fields, ... Ctrl + H Find / Replace Shift + F3 Continue the search in reverse order Common: Development environment shortcuts ----------------------------------------- F4 Reproduces the last action on a control or a multiselection of controls F8 Display the list of local procedures in the "Project explorer" pane. Shift + Alt + L Change the display language (switch to the previous language) Ctrl + Num * Synchronizes the "Project explorer" pane with the current element in the editor: the current element is selected in the "Project explorer" pane. Common: Shortcuts for performing tests -------------------------------------- F9 Test the current item Editing shortcuts ----------------- Ctrl + D Duplicate the selected row. If more than one row is selected, all rows are duplicated. Ctrl + L Delete the current line Environment panes: Common ------------------------- Alt + Q Activate panes anchored at the bottom WINDEV Application: RTF control ------------------------------- Ctrl + Shift + V Pastes the text without RTF formatting. Source: PcSoft Last modified on (UTC): Monday, November 2, 2020 Defkey © All rights reserved.