========================== Wordpad keyboard shortcuts ========================== First published at 9/1/2017 on https://defkey.com/wordpad-shortcuts WordPad is a Windows program that you can use to create documents such as letters, notes and posters. It's less complicated than a full word processor but still lets you perform a range of tasks. Wordpad has 42 shortcuts and we have listed all of them below. General ------- F3 Search for the next instance of the text in the Find dialog box F12 Save the document as a new file Ctrl + 1 Set single line spacing Ctrl + 2 Set double line spacing Ctrl + 5 Set line spacing to 1.5 Ctrl + A Select all Ctrl + B Make selected text bold Ctrl + C Copy a selection to the Clipboard Ctrl + D Insert a Microsoft Paint drawing Ctrl + E Align text center Ctrl + F Search for text in a document Ctrl + H Replace text in a document Ctrl + I Italicize selected text Ctrl + J Justify text Ctrl + L Align text left Ctrl + N Create a new document Ctrl + O Open an existing document Ctrl + P Print a document Ctrl + R Align text right Ctrl + S Save changes to a document Ctrl + U Underline selected text Ctrl + V Paste a selection from the Clipboard Ctrl + X Cut a selection Ctrl + Y Redo a change Ctrl + Z Undo a change Ctrl + = Make selected text subscript Ctrl + Shift + = Make selected text superscript Ctrl + Shift + > Increase the font size Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease the font size Ctrl + Shift + A Change characters to all capitals Ctrl + Shift + L Change the bullet style Ctrl + Left arrow Move the cursor one word to the left Ctrl + Right arrow Move the cursor one word to the right Ctrl + Up arrow Move the cursor to the previous line Ctrl + Down arrow Move the cursor to the next line Ctrl + Home Move to the beginning of the document Ctrl + End Move to the end of the document Ctrl + Page Up Move up one page Ctrl + Page Down Move down one page Ctrl + Del Delete the next word Alt + F4 Close WordPad Shift + F10 Show the context menu Last modified on (UTC): Monday, November 11, 2019 Defkey © All rights reserved.