
This graph says Metaverse is sinking. Bonus: NFT too -
2 ans

Mis à jour22 mois.

Is Metaverse (former Facebook) and Meta thingy from Mark Zuckerberg going to save Facebook? It may be doing even the opposite. 

I wrote a while ago it's discouraging to see Meta and Metaverse being picked up like something big and very shiny by the (sorry, stupid) tech media. I'm not aware of the latest figures on their finances, but a quick Google Trends check doesn't say anything good about Metaverse.

Google Trends graph for "Metaverse" is digging into the ground? As you see in the above graph, "Metaverse" keyword is in a free fall. People are losing interest in it, I think not only privacy nightmare Mr. Mark Zuckerberg wouldn't like it, but maybe he can also attempt to make his version of Google Trends. Then you can see how Metaverse is going up in a Metaverse land.

No screenshot here but the "Meta" keyword depicts a similar trend. Notice the faster decline in the last week, though we'll see if it'll sink such fast.

Maybe it's a bit early to say "Meta" is gone, but I'm curious if the daydreamer tech media will say "OK, we hit the wall". This is not about betting on the wrong tech firm, this is about betting on a known privacy nightmare and pretending like it's completely new and different. This is unfortunately about misleading your readers by not reporting things as is.

Are NFTs dying too?

I'm not against cryptocurrency, I know they are risky but they have use cases. But I don't think the same about NFTs, at least the use cases look stupid even if they can be useful for some purposes. Some "stupid things" do get popular and linger around, but in this case it's mostly just something to fall for. A very few gets very rich (to me, that's the bait), and the hordes of the rest thinks they will too; but they all lose, some lose spectacularly.

A similar thing happened in crypto-related media and they jumped in the NFT boat "all in".

NFT: The near future looks almost dark, will it recover?

 I'm not following the NFT world, but the mighty Google Trends says your NFTs maybe even more worthless soon. Funnily enough, almost no big news outlet want to see NFT is dying - and that may not be entirely related to foresight, it's just some like and still hope to get rich in that way or have profit in some way.

For comparison: Bitcoin's last 12 month trend line. It isn't dying in terms of interest.

 Will it recover or go obsolete in a few months?

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