
Welcome to DefKey! -
7 years ago

Updated 3 years ago.

We've founded as a website dedicated for keyboard shortcuts and technology how-tos. Keyboard shortcuts are essential part of desktop programs and while they don't replace mouse, they can make you work much faster.

We definitely aren't first keyboard shortcut web site around but we're probably first to break the keys down, and allow you to browse by shortcut keys. You can click any shortcut key you see on the site to see which programs use it and what for.

We're also probably first to at least aim to become a tech tips and news portal, alongside a keyboard shortcut database. Lastly, DefKey provides almost all content both in English and Turkish. As of May 2019, I created a French version of website, and started to translate shortcuts into French.

As founder of this project, I know I must cut it short: We're glad that you are here, and your presence will help us grow. Thank you!


Contributing to productivity by making shortcuts a little easier to access, and finding them a little faster. For this purpose, we're prioritizing the development over money-making. Meanwhile, we do not forget the games, of course, a significant portion of our visitors look at the game keys. We plan to include console controls over time.

As of June 2020 where the epidemic and injustice is still going very strong around the world, perhaps an important re-discovery period will come, where the importance of the human being will be re-understood. Regardless of the direction of the change, we will be proud to be one of the wall stones that serve the good, hopefully without harming anything and anyone.

Who are you?

My name is Zeynel Öztürk and I'm full time news editor on Turkish version of tech outlet CHIP Online since 2010 (update: until the end of 2018). The site is developed by me under ASP.NET MVC, and it's my first project being a web programmer. I'm accustomed to translating program strings much before 2010 by translating WinRAR to Turkish. Probably this is what helped me turning such idea to reality.

Design is done by my brother and me and I've others who help me for the content.

Feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions on the comments below!

Our team

Founder, developer - Zeynel Öztürk

Graphic design - Ruhi Öztürk

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ub ubaTaeCJ OP says: 1 hours ago 3/30/2025 5:33 AM
ub ubaTaeCJ OP says: 2 hours ago 3/30/2025 5:17 AM
ub ubaTaeCJ OP says: 2 hours ago 3/30/2025 5:12 AM
ub ubaTaeCJ OP says: 2 hours ago 3/30/2025 5:11 AM
ub ubaTaeCJ OP says: 2 hours ago 3/30/2025 4:49 AM
KbRWGDyy'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
ub ubaTaeCJ OP says: 2 hours ago 3/30/2025 4:39 AM
ub ubaTaeCJ OP says: 3 hours ago 3/30/2025 4:27 AM
ub ubaTaeCJ OP says: 3 hours ago 3/30/2025 4:27 AM
? Guest OP says: 2 years ago 1/28/2023 11:36 PM
Dont humiliate yourself supporting nazis on the landing page!
Zeynel Admin says in reply to Guest : 2 years ago 1/29/2023 11:57 AM
I can't see any Nazi related content on my site.
? Guest OP says: 4 years ago 9/29/2021 5:15 AM
Add Google Chrome Floating YouTube extension on your list of apps that highjack Ctrl Shift 9
? Winston OP says: 5 years ago 12/16/2019 7:20 PM
Hey guys, I just wanted to see if you need anything in the way of site editing/code fixing/programming, unique blog post material, extra traffic by getting others to start sharing your site across their own social media accounts, social media management, etc. I have quite a few ways I can set all of this and do this for you. Don't mean to impose, was just curious, I've been doing this for some time and was just curious if you needed an extra hand. I can even do Wordpress and other related tasks (you name it).

PS - Happy Holidays :-)

Winston R.
? Christian OP says: 5 years ago 10/11/2019 1:38 AM
I love what you have built here! I've been looking for this for ages. THANK YOU!!!!!