Copy |
Paste |
Paste plain text and inherit target formatting |
Undo |
Redo |
Select all |
Bold |
Italic |
Link |
Insert a hard break (e.g. a new paragraph) |
Insert a soft break (i.e. a |
Nest the current list item (when in a list) |
Move out of link or inline style |
When a widget is selected (for example: image, table, horizontal line, etc.)
Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget |
Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget |
Display the caret to allow typing directly before a widget |
Display the caret to allow typing directly after a widget |
In a table cell
Move the selection to the next cell |
Move the selection to the previous cell |
Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table) |
Navigate through the table |
Close contextual balloons and UI components like dropdowns |
Move focus to the visible contextual balloon |
Move focus between fields (inputs and buttons) in contextual balloons |
Move focus to the toolbar |
Navigate through the toolbar |
Execute the currently focused button |
These aren not keyboard shortcuts but may help you quickly entering specific symbols and formatting text.
Type (tm) to enter ™
Type (1/2) to enter ½
Type (->) to enter →
Type "foo" to enter “foo”
For a bulleted list, start a line with * or - followed by space
For a numbered list, start a line with 1. or 1) followed by space
For a to-do list, start a line with [ ] or [x] followed by space, to instert an unchecked or checked item, respectively.
Start a line with # or ## or ### followed by a space to create a heading 1, heading 2 or heading 3
To make a text bold, type **text** or __text__
To make a text italic, type *text* or _text
To make a text code style, type `text`
To apply strikethrough style, type ~~text~~
What is your favorite CKEditor 5 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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