Move forward between the following main regions: Top navigation bar, Secondary navigation bar, Storyline, Design, Task pane |
Move backward between the following main regions: Top navigation bar, Secondary navigation bar, Storyline, Design, Task pane |
Cancel the current action, remove the current selection, or exit the Play mode. |
Copy text |
Cut text |
Paste text |
Delete the selected card and all of its contents |
Undo the last action |
Redo the last action |
Switch to the Accessibility view |
Turn on Play mode |
Share the current Sway |
Zoom in out |
Zoom out |
Move forward between the following main regions: Top navigation bar, Secondary navigation bar, Storyline, Design, Task pane |
Move backward between the following main regions: Top navigation bar, Secondary navigation bar, Storyline, Design, Task pane |
In Storyline, open the Insert pane |
In Design, open the Styles pane |
Apply bold formatting to the text |
Apply italic formatting to the text |
Apply a heading style to the text |
Start or continue a bulleted list |
Start or continue a numbered list |
Add or edit a hyperlink |
Follow a hyperlink |
Group all cards in a card selection |
Ungroup all cards in a card selection |
Copy all cards in a card selection |
Cut all cards in a card selection |
Paste all cards in a card selection |
Select a character to the left |
Select a character to the right |
Select left one word at a time |
Select right one word at a time |
Select up one line at a time |
Select down one line at a time |
Select up one paragraph at a time |
Select down one paragraph at a time |
Go to the previous word |
Go to the next word |
Go to the start of the paragraph |
Go to the start of the next paragraph |
Select the current card |
Move focus to the next card |
Move focus to the previous card |
Expand the selected group or section |
Collapse the selected group or section |
Move the current card up in the Storyline |
Move the current card down in the Storyline |
What is your favorite Microsoft Sway 1.20.1 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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