Play/Stop |
Full-screen toggle |
Scroll through models, tabs |
Scroll backwards through models, tabs |
Undo |
Redo |
Save |
Select all bones |
Select unregistered bones |
Register selected bones/camera |
Register all facials (also discards unregistered bone movements) |
Previous/next bone |
Move bone (view dependent) |
Rotate bone (view dependent) |
Hide/show bones (when manipulating with right-bottom corner widget) |
Toggle coordinate space |
Set bone rotation and movement / Multiply of bone frame position-angle |
Set root bone offset (motherbone/center&IKlegs) (if not working, try to register root bone) |
then |
(when bone select is disabled) Enable bone select |
Change background color black/white |
Make models transparent |
Hide all pmx models, but not shadows |
Full-screen mode |
Turn On/Off effects (MME) |
then |
(in 3D space or FMP) Switch from camera to the model |
then |
(in grey lower area of interface) Switch from model to the camera |
Self shadow shadow map |
Interpolation curve automatic setting ON/OFF |
Expand selection |
Shrink selection |
Copy selected frames |
Paste frames |
Erase highlighted diamond, or group of diamonds. |
Paste keyframe values to a different bone (movement, rotation values) |
Set bone rotation and movement / Multiply of bone frame position-angle (first select keyframes, to be multiplied) |
+ |
Rotate |
Move |
or + | |||
Zoom smooth |
Zoom stepped |
What is your favorite Miku Miku Dance (MMD) 9.32 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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